*As Time Passes*

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Charlie's POV

~2 months later~

It has officially been 2 and a half months since I have last heard a word from Jacob. He checked up on me for the first week that he was gone but slowly our long calls turned into minute calls. Those minute calls turned into nothing at all. Not even a text.

I was a total wreck for the first month with no texts or calls. I would question what did I do to make him leave and stop talking to me. It got bad to the point where I would do anything to make the pain go away. I would sleep for hours on hours. I would sit in my moms hospital room while she slept her life away.

I found a new spot where I like to come. There is a huge cliff that looks over a beautiful waterfall. I discovered it when I was walking through the woods trying to get lost. I just sit here and think about all of the things that has happened since the last time him and I talked.

I gave up on waiting for that text back months ago. I kept giving myself false hope so I just gave up.

A new kid came to our school about a month ago. His name is Ben. He has begged me to be his friend but I just haven't felt like having friends. Since he left I felt a huge gap in my heart. I don't sit with my friends at lunch anymore.

   I often sit outside under the willow tree by myself sulking around. Austin and Victoria left about a months ago as well. They joined Jacob where ever the heck he is.

Instead of showing i'm hurting I pretty much just walk around as an emotionless zombie. My friends are worried but they leave me be. This side of me has been around before. This isn't anything new to them.

Cole, my brother has actually tried to make an effort to fix our relationship. I have forgiven him and he is one of my best friends now. He was there to let me cry on his shoulder when I needed it. He sadly had to go back to Florida a few weeks ago. Since that day I have socialized with anyone, unless it was necessary.

"Hey Charlie!" Ben called while I sat reading under the willow tree. Knowing he wasn't going anywhere I pulled one of my earbuds out. I looked up at him with an annoyed expression. The kid smiled down at me with the biggest smile. I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Here!" He cheered passing me a latte and a box of chocolates. I furrowed my eyebrows before I looked back up at his smiling figure.

"Thank you, why did you get me this?" I asked. He just shrugged.

"You have been sad since I met you so I thought that you deserved it." He said smiling even bigger. The corners of my lips twitched slightly, a smile threatened to break through. I groaned inwardly and I knew that I was going to regret the next words that would come out of my mouth.

"Take a seat." I grumbled patting the seat next to me. Ben's face lit up even more as he sat down beside me. I switched my earbuds and passed him the one that would be his left ear. He took it and put it in his ear. Before you go by Lewis Capaldi blasted through the earbuds. I just leaned my head back against the tree and listened, Ben doing the same.

"Why do you act like this? So emotionless?" He asked me after a few minutes. I looked over at him to see him already looking at me. My hand shot out and instantly started playing with the ring that sat on my finger that I had refused to take off.

"Someone very important to me did something that hurt me very bad." I said looking away from the ring and off into the distance. Ben's hand laid gently on mine and he rubbed soothing circles on my knuckles. The touch was soft and gentle but it wasn't HIS touch, the touch I'd die for.

"What did they do? If you don't want to say you don't have to." He said looking over at me. I bit down on my lower lip, chewing some of the skin that had been pulled up.

"Uhm, he had left town for a while and dropped contact with me. Uhm We were very close and I haven't heard from him in a little over two months." I said biting down on my lip harder so I don't cry. Ben's grip on my hand tightened in a reassuring manner.

"He must be pretty stupid to leave you in the dust like that. You seem like an amazing girl even though you constantly push me away. He isn't worth your tears." He said looking straight in front of us where the woods sat. I nodded and let a few tears slide down my cheeks.

"Thank you, for everything." I said looking over at him. He just smiled a huge smile at me and nodded.

"Walk with me to class?" He asked standing up, sticking his hand out. I looked at it for a few seconds before putting my hand in his. He helped me up before grabbing my bag and slinging it over his shoulder. I smiled slightly at the gesture.

We walked silently through the halls as we walked to English. He is in almost all of my classes besides two of them. As we made it to the class he held the door for me with a smile. I smiled slightly back and made my way into the room.

My two friends that were in this class had widened eyes that I had actually been talking to him. They both knew my irritation with Ben. Silently Ben and I walked to the back of the class and sat down next to each other.

The whole class period went by with us talking and Mr Gibbon getting mad at us. He constantly told us to shut up. Of course we didn't listen.

We walked out of the school at the end of the day, a smile sat on my face. Ben just kept cracking jokes and telling me things about his past. My smile wasn't huge but it was there enough. Throughout the day rain had started pouring. Which meaning right now walking out of the school my black skinny jeans and black over-sized hoodie were getting soaked.

I looked up to find my car when everything in my world was instantly turned upside down. I froze as Ben kept walking. He stopped and turned around, looking at me. I couldn't move. My eyes locked with the familiar silver blue ones that had once been my everything. So many emotions were hitting me all at once, but I couldn't look away.

"Charlie are you okay?" Ben asked.

"He's back. Jacob is back."

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