Chapter 14

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I stopped trying to keep track of time while I prepare my body to escape from this shack. I still felt the poison in my body that was ejected into me.

I heard light few steps coming close, turning to see a petite girl with light features approaching me with water. She looked extremely familiar to me but I couldn't place my finger in it.

I stayed quiet as she places a bottle of water at my feet clearly confused on how they expected me to drink it. Most likely another torturing tactic.

As she starts to walk away I feel a sudden burst of realization.
"Cody" I whisper, knowing she would be able to hear it.

As she turns around I continue whispering knowing time is precious in here.

"I can bring you to Cody. He's scared and he needs you"

"How should I trust you" she whispers back already walking towards me again.

"You can keep my wrists tied in silver rope." I desperately say knowing I'm taking advantage of her frightened state.

"I don't believe you"

"Cody followed you to spy on the Crimson Pack.  He accidentally got caught too close to the border but he's alive.  He said someone was ordering you to spy at the pack. Now I know that was Oliver.  He needs you. He needs his sister"

She looked baffled that I knew so much information but then I saw the moment her switch went to fight mode.  She quietly opened up the cage and removed the restraints on me except for 1 silver rope tied around me wrists.

"Leave your phone" I instruct her, "that's the first thing they will track".

I follow her to a busted window and help her climb through even with my tied wrists.  I then follow her out without making a sound.  I look around and see a dirt road surrounded by trees.

I look to Cody's sister to guide me the right way which she finally does after realizing no one heard us.  Once we tip toe a safe distance away we start running at full speed until sunrise.

I stop first finally recognizing my surroundings. 

"What are you doing?  We have to keep moving"

"What's your name" I ask her as a response, "I never asked for your name.


"Charlie listen, I'm weak. I still feel the wolfsbane in my blood and you haven't untied my wrists yet. I need to rest. I know a pack nearby that will help me"

Charlie quickly comes to untie my wrists herself. I knew I could have easily done it but I wanted to get her to trust me.

"I'm staying with you until I find Cody", she responds as I lead the way to the Silver River Pack.

Alpha James was a little older than me with a very kind soul. Alpha Sam sent me to work with her pack many times during my training years. They are a smaller pack that stay away from violence but still value strength and training. 

I saw the familiar path of white oak trees that lead to large lake that borders most of the pack.  

"Are we hear" Charlie asks.

"Almost. We're gonna stay here until they come to us. This is a peaceful pack.  I don't like to alarm them"

After a short time I see a pack member approaching us at the other end of the lake.  I see he is already rowing a boat to us and explained Alpha James has approved me to cross over.

As soon as I see James I let me body relax knowing I'm safe.  I also notice how rundown I am. From my wrists to my feet I feel open scars that still haven't healed.  I feel my head pounding and the weight of my eye lids.

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