Chapter 21 - Red

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Screams. They pierced the air and sent chills down my spine. I looked around to figure out where I was. It was pitch black, but when I glanced up, the sky looked blood-red. The moon was bathed in red as well. The screams were followed by sobs and cries of pain.

I searched the darkness blindly until I heard my shoes squish in something. I paused, my stomach rolling. The darkness suddenly lifted and I found myself standing in a field. As I looked around, I was horrified to find bodies. Bodies everywhere. They were littered across the ground, some still bleeding out, others pale with death. The sudden urge to vomit overtook me and I fell to my hands and knees.

What was going on? Where was I? And why was everyone dead? The screams still echoed across the field, so that meant I wasn't completely alone. But, still. What the heck was going on?


My head snapped over to see Joshua's little sister, Ella. She was on her knees as well, her hands covering her face as she screamed to the high heavens. In front of her were three bodies I recognized as her family, including Joshua. Joshua. I wanted to run over to see what happened, but I was frozen in place on my knees. No matter what I tried, I couldn't move. So, I was stuck watching Ella scream and wail endlessly. "No! No!"

"Ella?" I called out, figuring I could at least call out to her.

The girl's head snapped up, her eyes wide in horror. My stomach dropped when I realized that she was crying blood. "Wren. No, no, no, you can't be there. You have to-"

Her voice cut off even though she was still speaking. "Ella?" I called frantically, but she kept talking.

"-not safe--- run!---!"

"What? You're not making any sense," I cried, gasping when a splitting headache shot through my skull.

"Find--- red ---!"

I couldn't focus on what she said anymore as the screams from before became my own. It felt like my entire body was suddenly on fire. I wanted it to stop. Scratching did nothing to satisfy the burning itch that crawled under my skin, but I kept at it until my nails turned red with my blood.

"The red, Wren!"


I was able to lift my head a bit so I could try and see who spoke to me, but all I saw were a pair of shoes. "Wren, you have to --- help---. Please. Run. Run --- it's too late."



A raw scream ripped my throat as I shot up in bed. I was suddenly held down by strong arms that I quickly recognized as Joshua's. I didn't even realize how much I was shaking until he started to rock us slowly, shushing me. My breathing became panicked and shallow and Joshua hurried to position me in his lap. "Deep breaths, Wren. Listen to my voice, okay? I'm right here. Deep breaths, baby."

I tried to do what he asked, but all I could focus on was the pain in my arm, my throat, and my head. A quick glance at my arm was enough for me to understand that I'd clawed myself in my sleep and drew blood, but the head pain terrified me. It felt just like how it did in the dream; like a thousand metal needles were jabbing at my skull. For a moment I worried if my previous injury had flared up, but I quickly dismissed the thought. My injury was well on its way to becoming a faint scar. This was different.

My brain scrambled to piece together the dream I just had and once it did, my hand shot out to grab Joshua's arm in a panicked grip. I saw him dead in my dream, surrounded by his parents' corpses. I saw Ella cry over his body and tell me I had to run. I needed to feel that he was alive and right there in front of me.

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