Recreate, Re-enact, Refine

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Let's say for example you met someone you thought you knew and all possible transliterations you came up with at the moment were:

"I already saw you."
"Hmmm, I forgot, but I saw your face before."
"I want to remember your face."

And then the next day you happened to read this line from a book or hear it from a movie or from your favorite TV series:

"You look familiar. Have we met before? "

Boom! It sounded just right to you. This was only one in many similar cases. I've had countless eureka moments like this that I'd cry out, 

"Yesss, this is exactly what I'm looking for!"

Back in the day, if I couldn't express myself during a conversation, I would just open a book or watch a movie. Amazingly, in just a matter of days, I would find the right expression I needed. 

I would write it down, then act it out. (I had already checked if someone's around.) I'd say it many times over until it felt like it's already part of my system.

Notice that to understand the entire context, children watch their parents talk and act. In the same way, books and magazines do not tell mere expressions. They tell stories. If you act as if you are part of the story, it makes remembering the expression easier.

I get my emotions and entire senses involved in order to connect myself to the English language. I had very little to no personal contact with native speakers, but this method proved extremely helpful for me.

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