Chapter seventy-one: Henrik

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Henrik scowled down at the engine of the car. "Are we empty for gas?" He asked Desiree who tried to turn the motor on. "No, it's still half full." She said looking at the dashboard with a scowl. "Anthony take over for me here. I'm going to take a look at the engine." She said getting out of the car. "Don't turn the keys until I tell you to." She warned. Anthony nodded his head and crawled into the driver's seat. Henrik watched Desiree stick her head into the room of the motor. She grabbed something and yanked at it. "It's this one." She said pulling out something that looked like a tube. "It transfer gasoline to the engine." She said scowling. "Look there's a hole." She pointed to a spot where something was obviously leaking. "Do we have some duct tape?" She asked. Henrik frowned, "I think the others have some." He said. "Then go get it, because we won't get anywhere until we have some, and I don't want to stay here all night. The place gives me some seriously bad vibes." Henrik didn't question what she was talking about, he didn't like the place either and walked to the other car.

"What's wrong?" Joachim asked leaning against their car. "A leaking tube or something like that." Henrik said. "We need duct tape." Lewis frowned and rummaged through one of the bags. "We only have one roll." He said pulling it out. Henrik took it from him and walked back to Desiree who was poking around down by the motor again. "Old shit." She grumbled as Henrik cleared his throat. She looked up at him her face smeared with oil, "Thanks." She said taking the roll. She went to work instantly. After a while she had put the thing back in its place. "Anthony try to start it now." She said. Anthony turned the key, but nothing happened, "Try again." She said. Anthony tried several times, but nothing happened. The motor just did not want to start at all. Desiree cussed loudly, and dove back into the hood of the car trying to figure out what else might be the problem. Kim got out of the other car, "What's going on?" He asked. "Car trouble." Anthony said scowling as he watched Desiree hang with half of her body out of the hood of the car. "I don't know what she's doing, but uh I hope it's going to work." Henrik said looking at Desiree. "I don't like this place." Kim said looking around. So Henrik wasn't the only one... "Ugh this piece of shit, I can't find anything wrong..." Desiree said kicking the car. With a roar, the motor came to life and Desiree gave a wail of surprise. "Hey it worked!" Anthony called. Desiree shoved Anthony out of the seat and got behind the wheel, "Henrik get in the car!" Desiree called.

Henrik got into the car and slammed the door. "Kim get in the car!" Lewis yelled looking towards the woods with a horrified look. Kim turned around and his eyes widened. "Munchies!" He ran towards the car as six or seven of them came out of the woods growling at them. Kim tried to open the door, but it wouldn't budge. "Open the door." He said yanking at the handle. Nigel frantically pressed the unlock button inside the car, but nothing happened. Joachim rolled down the window, "Crawl through!" Lewis yelled as those things came closer hoping for a nice warm and trashing meal. Kim hoisted his upper body through the window just as Nigel pressed the speeder. "What the fuck dude!" Kim cried as half his body dangled out of the car window. "Get in." Nigel said pressing down on the speeder further as more dead people came out from between the woods. "I'm stuck!" Kim yelled trying to drag himself into the car. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" Desiree yelled from behind them. "I'M FUCKING STUCK. PULL ME IN!" he yelled as Nigel severed an oncoming dead person. Joachim grabbed Kim's arms and began to pull, "Don't pull my arms, you'll pull my shoulder out of its socket!" Lewis grabbed Kim around the waist and lifted him slightly so he slid into the car lying across both Kim and Lewis his feet still hanging out of the window. He pulled his feet inside and just laid there with his face pressed into the seat. After a while, Kim sat up and looked behind them. Desiree hit a dead person full on so it flew over the hood of the car and landed on the road behind them.

Henrikgrabbed a hold of his seat as they drove over something and gritted his teeth."Could you not hit them with the car?" He asked Desiree who had her footpressed as far down on the speeder as it would go, following the other car. Howfar they travelled Henrik didn't know, but it was dark before they saw aWalmart. Seeing the building standing there abandoned and neglected through somany months was an odd sight. Cars and dried blood covered the large parkinglot. The windows of the store were whole and dirty, with more dried blood andother things, Henrik didn't want to think about what could be inside. Nigel gotout of the car and gazed up at the building, "We'll check the area. Stay in thecar and get out of here if we come back running and screaming." He called toHenrik, Desiree and Anthony.

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