Chapter Twenty Four

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I wished I could have boasted that the evening improved after I'd separated myself from William and Chantelle. Being away from them both was a step in the right direction, but it didn't mean that the ordeal was over. I felt bad about taking Jenny away from Charlie, but I needed her more than he did at that moment. Besides, he had to talk to his other guests, and he'd be accused of neglecting them if he didn't leave her side all night.

'Did you ask him anything about Gideon?'

She shook her head. 'Nothing really in-depth. I don't think Charlie knows anything about what happened. Just that William did the right thing regarding Gideon.'

'The right thing?' I asked incredulously. I corrected my tone for Jenny's sake. 'Look, I get that he's going to believe his friend, and it's great that he's so loyal. That does Charlie a serious amount of credit. But that doesn't mean William hasn't lied to him about what happened.'

'You're not going to change your opinion, are you?'


Jenny let out a short, frustrated breath through her nose. I was too stubborn over things, but in this situation, I was convinced that Gideon had really suffered because of William's childishness. And he was so cruel that he'd lied to his best friend about what he'd done. Charlie was going to be furious when he found out. I'd have told him myself if I thought it was my place to do so.

Wyatt soon tracked us down and asked me loudly over the music, 'That boy you were dancing with, was that William Darcy?'


'Is he related to Mum's new husband?'

'Er... I think so?' I said, as I recalled what Gideon had told me. 'Not closely, though. Why?'

'I should introduce myself to him properly. Outside of a school setting. His aunt is high in society, and the last time I met her, she seemed impressed with me.'

'I really don't think he would care, Wyatt. Leave him alone.'

As much as I hated William, I wasn't going to subject him to the idiot in the middle of a party.

'No, he would definitely want to talk to me. I'm sure of it.'

'If I pay you, will you stay away from him?' I pleaded.

Apparently not.

Wyatt ignored me for the first time since we'd become reacquainted and strode to William. I couldn't stand to see the spectacle he was about to make of himself. The guy was going to be left feeling like a total idiot, and I'd have to share in the second-hand embarrassment of it. I knew that he'd tell William we were related, even though we weren't, and imply that I'd wanted him to engage him in conversation. I took a firm hold of Jenny's hand and begged, 'Dance with me? I can't watch this happen.'

Whether or not I wanted to, I was still going to hear it. Not that I could make out specific words, but Wyatt's voice was unmistakable. I threw myself into dancing with Jenny. It was a fast-paced song and the stamping of high heels on the floor helped to drown out the car crash of a conversation. I was hardly the best dancer in the world, but even I knew how to throw up my hands and shake my hips, which proved a worthy distraction from Wyatt and William. Lisa and Chrissy were still racing around, bumping into people, and shrieking with laughter like a couple of children. The only one of us who appeared to be behaving was Meg. She'd left the chaise and had walked around in a daze as usual, her headphones in as she listened to her stories. I just wished she'd learn to look where she was walking.

With no hesitation at all, she wandered straight into Chantelle. It might not have been so terrible had she not been holding a glass of punch. The drink was upset all over her beautiful white dress, leaving an ugly red stain across her chest. Meg jumped out of her skin when she saw what she'd done and scuttled away before she could be shouted at. Other guests fussed over Chantelle and Meg cowered behind us like we were her bodyguards.

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