Extra Ticket

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Yaku Morisuke grinned. He was talking to Sugawara Koushi from Karasuno. The team moms were sharing stories about their children being stupid. They were just finishing a barbecue at a summer training camp with Fukurodani, Karasuno, Ubugawa, and Shinzen. Everyone was leaving afterward, so Yaku viewed this as a celebratory feast for making it through the week.

His phone buzzed. Yaku pulled it out and read the text message, which was from his mother. He grinned.

"What's that, Yaku?" Sugawara asked.

"My mom got all of the equipment for Glass Cave. It's miles away from Tokyo. I've wanted to go caving there for a while, but wanted to make sure I was prepared before I got started," he explained.

"That sounds fun. Have you been caving there before?" Suga smiled.

"Yes, several times. I go caving a lot in the summer, actually. I didn't have all the equipment before now because I haven't gone caving in several months, and a lot of my stuff needed replacing."

Time skip brought to you by Kageyama calling Hinata a dumbass

Yaku sighed. He was trying to think who would go caving with him tomorrow. He and his mother were supposed to go together (because he was a good son), but she really needed to finish a project for work. He'd already asked Nobuyuki Kai, but he said he was busy. The libero called Kuroo, hoping he was free. 

"Hey, Kuroo. Do you want to go caving with me tomorrow afternoon at 4:00? I've got an extra ticket."

"Sorry, Yaku," Kuroo responded. "I promised to watch a movie with Kenma then."

"It's okay, maybe next time," Yaku said.

He hung up and the phone and sighed again. Who else could he invite? Shibayama? Inuoka? That seemed a little weird, since he wasn't particularly well acquainted with either of them.

Oh, who are you kidding. You know very well that you want to invite Lev, he thought. The third year had a major crush on the half-Russian, though he would never admit it aloud. After all, Lev irritated the hell out of him on a daily basis. Yet somehow, he found that endearing and exasperating at the same time.

Giving in, he dialed Lev's number. Ring...ring...ring... 

"Hello?" Lev's voice said.

"Hey, Lev. Do you want to go caving with me tomorrow after practice? I have two tickets."

"Sure, Yaku-san!" Lev said cheerfully. "What time?"

"4:00. The cave trail is only two miles long, so it's pretty short."

"Just like you!" Lev replied.

"Shut up, skyscraper!" Yaku yelled into his phone. He glared at it, wondering why he thought this was a good idea. Even so, he kept talking.

"You're not claustrophobic, are you? There are some tight spots."

"No, I'm not," the middle blocker said.

"Good. Wear long sweatpants and a T-shirt you won't mind getting dirty or wet. Bring your volleyball knee pads - actually, scratch that. I'll get you some heavy-duty knee pads, since we'll have to crawl on our hands and feet a few times. If you have elbow pads, bring those."

"Um, okay," Lev said, a little surprised at the unexpected burst of information.

"Great. Meet me at the gym at 3:20 after practice. It's a 30 minute drive to the cave, so we need to leave early. Does that work for you?"

"Yeah. See you tomorrow, Yaku-san!"

Yaku answered in kind, then hung up.

He went to make sure he had all the equipment. He picked out some knee pads and gloves that would fit the tall first year. He put out the headlights, which were flashlights made into a tight headband. He grabbed a few handheld flashlights, just in case. He even had a belt with two water bottles strapped into it, since caving was a taxing activity. He thrust a map into a waterproof bag. He didn't really think he would need it, since the cave was very straightforward and it was hard to get lost there, but he wanted to err on the side of caution. Besides, he needed the bag to put their phones in. There were a lot of puddles in that cave, and he did not want their phones getting wet. He looked over his gear and nodded, satisfied he had everything.

I know this was kind of boring but I needed to explain the setting. Don't worry, things get more interesting. Italics are Yaku's thoughts. Author-chan out!

Going Caving Yakulev/LevyakuWhere stories live. Discover now