Kiss Me

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"I will get you out." Yaku gripped Lev's limp calves tightly. He yanked as hard as he could, and Lev's shoulders appeared. The third year continued pulling. The half-Russian's neck became visible, then his mussed silver hair. Finally, his slender arms, obediently stretched out in front of him, came into view.

Yaku stopped pulling and relaxed his grip, but didn't remove his hands. Tremors still shook the middle blocker. He didn't move.

"Lev. Turn over onto your back now. You're not stuck anymore." At his words, the tall male slowly flipped, coming to rest on his back. Yaku leaned over him, worried. Lev flinched and covered his eyes.

Oh, right. My headlight is still on, Yaku realized. He reached up and took it off, holding it so it still projected light but didn't blind the first year. Even so, Lev didn't move.

"Look at me," Yaku ordered. He slowly lowered his hands and Yaku's heart twisted. Tear tracks marked Lev's face, making clear paths through the dirt on his cheeks. Yaku reached out a hand, but couldn't make it. Since the libero was crouched by Lev's legs, his arms couldn't reach over Lev's body to his face.

"You're too short for that, Yaku-san," Lev said, his voice lighter. For once, the third year didn't hit him or yell at him. He was too relieved.

The first year curled up on his side, then maneuvered so he was facing Yaku. He propped himself up so they were at eye level. Tears still streaked his face, but he wasn't crying loudly anymore. He leaned forward, burying his face in Yaku's chest. Sobs burst out once again. The libero  cradled Lev's shoulders, rubbing small circles into his back with his fingers. He held the middle blocker wordlessly, just comforting him through his presence.

After a while, Lev's tears stopped coming and he pulled back so they were face to face. Yaku's shirt was now entirely soaked, but he ignored it. Lev looked down.

"Yaku-san, you're hurt!" At his words, the third year noticed the cuts that covered his arms. Blood periodically leaked from them, staining his clothes.

"It's fine. They're just little cuts from rocks," he reassured his kouhai. "They really don't hurt." Lev touched his arms, his fingers trembling.

"But Yaku-san, you have blood all over you."

"I have plenty of blood. I can lose a little." Despite that, Lev looked concerned.

"We still have to get out of Glass Cave, though. It should be fine, this passage gets larger the farther back we go. And once we reach the intersection, make sure you follow me." Lev nodded, his eyes wide in the weak light.

"Are you ready to go?" Yaku asked, keeping his voice gentle. Lev nodded. Yaku looked at him carefully, seeing no sign he was lying. He put his headlight back on. The libero turned so he was facing the tunnel. He laid on his belly and started the long crawl back to the cavern with the crossroads. He glanced back to see his kouhai following him closely.

Once they reached the cavern with the intersection, Yaku stopped. It was one of the bigger caves there, so he could stand up straight, although Lev had to bend over.

"Why are we stopping?" the first year asked nervously.

"Just making sure I know which way to go," Yaku told him. "You can stretch out more now if you're cramping, there's plenty of room." Lev nodded and spread out to test for cramps.

"It feels like the roof's getting lower," he mumbled.

"That's just in your mind. You couldn't move and were scared. We're still in the caves, so your brain is taking your experience and superimposing it over this one to make you think something similar is happening."

"Stupid brain," Lev muttered. Yaku chuckled.

"This way. It starts out a little tight but gets wider and higher the farther we go. Are you okay with that?" You may have to be, Yaku thought. There's only one entrance and exit, and we're not far away from the exit. There's no turning back now.

"Yeah, I'm fiiiiiiiine," the middle blocker replied, drawing out the word like a child. Yaku smiled to himself. Somehow, that only made the annoying first year even cuter.

He mentally shook himself. You helped him, but that doesn't mean he likes you, he scolded.

"Good," he said to cover his lapse. He started crawling towards the path that led out. "Come on, there's only a few hundred meters between here and the exit."

Lev mumbled something unintelligible and got moving. It sounded like "you are amazing," but Yaku figured he was making it up.

The rest of the journey was tense, but unremarkable. They stayed quiet. The third year looked back every few minutes to check on the half-Russian, but he was always right there. They splashed through a few more puddles. Yaku's arms hurt. He was going to need some bandages after this. Well, it wouldn't be caving without a scrape or two, he thought. Finally, daylight appeared up ahead. 

"We're almost there," he said, reaching up to turn off his headlight.

"How can you see that?" Lev demanded, squinting.

"I'm in front, for one thing. For another, my headlight is off, so it's easier to see other sources of light."

"Oh," Lev said. Yaku grinned to himself. You're so dumb, he thought.

"This last part is a little bit of a climb," the libero said. He stepped onto some rocks and pulled himself up. He glanced back. Lev's face was pink. Yaku followed his gaze and realized the first year was looking just below his waist. He flushed and turned around, concentrating on climbing out. He doesn't think of you that way, stop imagining it. His gaze is just a coincidence, he thought sternly.

Yaku's head broke the surface. Daylight hit him, making his head hurt for a moment. He got his feet under him and climbed out onto the soft grass, moving away to give the middle blocker room. Lev emerged from the large hole in the ground. Then he climbed out as well, looking around the forest.

"Daylight! I'll never take it for granted again," the middle blocker said happily. He looked at Yaku.

"Thank you, Yaku-san."

"You don't have to thank me for anything," Yaku said automatically.

"But Yaku-san...You really helped me. How can I thank you for that?" Lev's face was dark red by now.

The words were out of Yaku's mouth before he could stop them. 

"You can kiss me." 

He was flabbergasted. How could I say that? Idiot! Moron! He cursed himself.

"Sorry," he muttered. "Forget I said that! It doesn't matter!" His face felt like an inferno, so he looked down.

Lev's footsteps got closer.

"I...would like that."

Yaku looked up. Lev was standing in front of him, his expression unusually serious.

"You would?" The third year's voice cracked, but he was already beyond embarrassed.

"Y-yeah. You're so cute, Yaku-san, how could I not want to kiss you?"

"Then what are you waiting for?" Yaku didn't stop to think. He was on fire with the need to kiss the first year now. He moved closer. 

"I can't reach your face, skyscraper. Bend down." Lev leaned down. Their faces met. Slowly, carefully, Yaku connected their lips.

Yaku was on cloud nine.

"You're still too short," he heard Lev mumble against his mouth.

Yaku reached around and swatted the insides of Lev's knees, making him fall and land on his butt.

Suddenly it was much easier to kiss.

If you're reading this note, thank you! I hope you liked the story. Again, I do not own any of the art or the characters, and full credit goes to their respective authors.

Everything about caving and caves comes from my personal knowledge and experience. Author-chan out!

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