Quarantine Series Part 9-The Final Part

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For the past two weeks Alex had snuck out every night to see you after your closing shift. He planned cute nighttime dates and ultimately slept over every time. This meant that he also had to sneak back into his place. The times that he had run into George, which were more often than not since they both had fucked sleep schedules, Alex had come up with the worst excuses. On the third night that George had accidentally caught Alex leaving, Alex had told him that he was going to get his hair cut at a place that is only open after midnight, and that's when George had figured that Alex must be seeing someone secretly. The next day he had confronted Alex about it, "What are you hiding?"

"Excuse me?"

"What are you doing so late at night that you can't tell me about? Are you seeing someone? Why would you lie about that?"

"What? I'm not seeing anyone. What makes you think that?"

"The only things people need to leave for that late are booty calls. Plus you seem to be sleeping over wherever you're going. Are you trying to tell me you're sleeping at the barbershop? No one cares what you're doing, but why would you lie about that?"

"I'm not lying. There's no booty call. Leave it alone, George. Not everything is your business." Alex could tell that that had hurt his feelings, but he didn't want George prying. If he found out that you and Alex were dating, he would've been super upset, especially since he had asked the both of you about it so many times and you'd both denied it. After the two weeks had passed, Will had suggested that everyone go to dinner at a restaurant together. After much debate over group text, which you immediately muted, you all had decided to go to an Asian fusion restaurant that had only recently opened.

You weren't really sure what everyone else would be wearing, so you ended up overdressing a little. Still, the outfit wasn't anywhere near as extra as the makeup you'd done. You had given yourself so much time to get ready that you slowly kept adding more and more elements to your makeup look as you got more and more bored waiting to leave. The place was quite a ways away from your place, so you had to take an Uber to the restaurant. The uber driver tried to make small talk with you, but riding with strangers made you too nervous and you mostly just responded with laughs and nods until he stopped trying to talk to you. You wished that Alex were with you. Or anyone really to help you feel more comfortable talking to this stranger. You had just heard so many horror stories about people who took rides alone and never were seen again. You and Alex had decided that it would be better if he didn't come over until after dinner so you didn't have to worry about showing up too close together.

You were one of the first people to show up as you'd rather be early than late. You would've waited in the car to see one of your friends go in first, but since it was an Uber, you couldn't really ask the driver to wait. You went inside and were thankful to see that Will and Mia were already there and then a little less thankful when you realized you were third wheeling until the others got there. "You're a little early," Will greeted you.

"You were here before I was," you said, sitting down across from the two of them.

"So, y/n," Mia started. "How've you been? I haven't seen you in so long."

"Yeah, I've just bee super busy with work and everything. A bunch of servers quit when we got a new manager, so everyone is working doubles just to keep the restaurant running."

"Oh, wow. That sucks. So you haven't really been doing anything other than work?" Mia asked.

"No not really."

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