The Truth

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Justin and I finish the spaghetti we were making and lay it aside for it to cool down.

"Hey, do you wanna go see the new Tom Cruise movie with me tonight it's playing at the movie theater across the street."

"Sure, that sounds like fun. What time does it start?" I ask with excitement. I'm not sure if this is a date or not, but still it doesn't matter.

"It starts around 8:00." I smiled at him, "Then, you can count me in."

Not too long after our conversation, both of my parents open the door.

My mom says, "Well, this is a surprise! Jessica, who is this?"

I look over at Justin. "Oh right well mom, dad meet my friend, Justin Russo." You have no idea how difficult it was to say the word friend.

Dad held out his hand as they both started talking in the kitchen. I met my mom over by the door as she whispered to me, "He's cute."

I smiled and whispered back, "I know."

My mom speaks up, "Well, Justin, it is a pleasure to meet you. While you're here, why don't you take a seat and have dinner with us."

"I'd love to as long as it's okay with, Jessica." I smiled at him, "Of course, I don't mind at all."

I set the dinner table as they kept talking with Justin back and forth. It seemed as though things were turning out great. We sat down to eat.

My dad asks, "Jess, do you know where Harper is?"

"Yeah, she said something about hanging out with Alex today, but don't worry Justin helped me finish the chores list you gave us."

My mom put down her fork, "So, you're saying that your sister didn't help you at all?"

"No, mom, but it's fine really. I was just so lucky that Justin stopped by today."

My cheeks turned a bright red color by just saying his name.

"Well, thank you, Justin, I really appreciate everything that you did today."

He smiled at them, "It was no problem at all, Mrs. Finkle. Anything I could do to help out."

My mom kept talking, "I'm just so happy that we have all the boxes packed up."

Justin said, "Yeah, Harper told Alex that you guys were going back to Romania."

"Yes, we are. Me, my husband, and Jessica. We are all looking forward to it." He looked over at me, "You didn't say you were moving with them."

He stood up while looking directly at my parents, "Will you please excuse me?" He then walked away closing the front door behind him.

I stood up to, "Be right back."

I followed him out the door into the hallway of our apartment where he was pacing back and forth. "So, you knew this whole time that you were leaving?"

My heart was beating so fast, "Yes."

He was getting upset for some reason, "Well, were you even going to tell me or at least say goodbye?"

I shrugged, "I didn't really plan on telling anybody. Look I'm sorry, Justin, but I have to go back okay I need to see Damon and my old friends again."

"I just can't believe that this is happening."

He walked away from me in to the elevator and down it went. It felt as if all the butterflies in my stomach just died right there.

I turned around and returned to my kitchen where I finished my spaghetti. I needed to see him again.

I felt so bad and guilty about everything that I've been hiding from him. He didn't deserve any of that.

He said that he wanted to see a new movie tonight at eight. I should go and at least try to talk to him there.

I grabbed my coat at the door because I always get cold in movie theaters. "I'll be at the movies if anyone needs me!"

I closed the door shut and raced downtown to find him. Luckily, I spotted his car in the parking lot.

The movie theater was dark as I looked around trying to find him. I was looking in all the wrong places because he sat in the back by himself.

I whispered to him, "Justin, I need to talk to you."

He looked up at me, "Jess, what are you doing here? You should be with your family packing everything up into boxes."

"Look, I was wrong for not telling you. I was just worried that you wouldn't want to be my friend anymore."

The crowd of people seeing this movie turned around and said, "shhhh".

"Why would you even think that? I don't know why but ever since I met you I can't get you out of my mind, and it is driving me crazy. Now all of a sudden, I hear that you are leaving."

I closed my eyes. This is it Jessica just tell him how you feel. It is okay if he doesn't feel the same way.

"Justin, I like you, like you. More than a friend. Ever since I saw you in your family's sandwich shop."

It felt so good to finally get the truth out. There is no going back now. He knows exactly how I feel.

"Even though we've known each other for two weeks, I like you too, Jess. I just don't want you to leave."

"Then, I'll stay. I'll stay with you and your family and with Harper."

"Are you sure? Why would you want to stay with us when you can go back to Romania?"

"Because I don't think I can leave you. Last time, I was being forced to move away with my family, but this time it's my choice and I want to stay."

He smiled at me as he wrapped his arm around me, and I leaned in putting my head on his shoulder.

This couldn't have gone any better.

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