(Edited) Chapter 6 Part I

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Chapter Six

My Best-Friend's Girlfriend


"Hey Marion, would you mind sitting over there?"

"Sure Aiden, no problem!" Marion chirps, flashing him a smile and then heading over to the empty seat which is situated in the first row. During normal conditions I would have rolled my eyes at how flirtatiously Marion had smiled at him, not even questioning him why he wanted to shift seats. But this wasn't normal—not at all.

The bench next to me creaks a bit and Aiden sits down. 

Why is he sitting here? Shouldn't he be avoiding me after what happened on Friday? 

Maybe he doesn't want to sit on the first bench—yeah that's probably it. Why else would he choose to sit next to me after what happened?

First period has just started. I was not looking forward to coming to school today. It's a boring Monday morning and everybody hates Monday mornings, me included. Also, the absolute certainty that I would come across Aiden today and the possible interaction that would obviously occur between us was a major factor in my reluctance to get out of bed today.

I'd spent the whole weekend replaying what had happened at the dance practice—replaying how his taut torso had felt against my own; replaying how his soft breath had fanned my face and our eyes had meaninglessly stared into each other's. It had just been an awkward act of clumsiness. It didn't mean anything. At least, that's what I'd been trying to convince myself anyway.

My train of thoughts is rudely interrupted when Aiden shifts his seat closer to mine—so close in fact that when he sits down; his left leg touches my right. My seat is right next the wall. So in way I'm trapped—between Aiden and the wall.

What is he doing? He's supposed to be avoiding me, right?

"Hey Scar," he says casually. My head instantly snaps in his direction. My eyes widen in astonishment. I'm at a loss of words. He smiles at me; then frowns, probably noticing my expression. "You okay?" he asks, worry lines creasing his forehead.

"Uh...yeah, I'm okay. What would happen to me?" I say a little too chirpily. I hope I don't sound as nervous as I feel. Why do I feel nervous anyway?

"Okay...whatever you say..." He shrugs, smiling at me again, before turning to look at the black board. The teacher tells us to copy down whatever she's writing on the board, and like the lenient student I am, I start doing so.

Aiden as usual is not doing what the teacher has instructed everyone to do. He's tapping his feet and humming a tune I don't recognize. He's bobbing his head from time to time. How is the teacher not noticing the ruckus he's creating? I want to tell him to stop, but I don't. I try to focus on my work instead.

I soon realize it's futile. No matter how hard I try, all I can do is notice Aiden and all that he's doing. I can't help but notice every time he shifts in his seat, or taps his toes or runs his finger through his wavy locks. There's something particularly serene about how lost Aiden is in his own world, not knowing what's going on beyond it.

When the teacher pauses to explain what she's written on the board, Aiden stops. I stare at the teacher as she explains everything. I nod at all the right moments and try to look as focused as I can, even though I've not understood a single word. Hell, I've not even heard a single word. It's like they're passing me by. I know I can understand if I really focus myself. But that's what I cannot do, especially not when Aiden keeps looking at me.

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