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I swing open the door and brace myself for an attack. Someone flew at me and I kept my feet firm on the ground. I saw a blur of black and the intruder pulled me into a hug. I recognized the scent of mint and cheese. Before I met him, I never thought that would never be a good combination, but now, it feels comforting. He pulled away and assessed where I’m hurt.
“Oh my goodness Chat, I thought you were someone who broke into my flat to attack me!”
“I mean, you're half right. Legally, I broke into your apartment.”
“Your right. Do you want something to eat?” I ask, changing the subject.
“Thanks. That sounds nice.”
“Great, I’ll get supper started right after we put this food away.” We sort the food out and put them away in the cabinets overhead.
“Hey Chat? What do you want to eat?”
“I don’t know, what do you want?”
“Hmm, how about pasta?”
“Sounds good.”
“I’ll start boiling the water, if you could dice up the tomatoes, garlic, and cheese, I can handle the rest.
We worked on the dish for about a half hour before it was time to eat.
“Okay, now we add the diced food,” we add them and mix it up. We dish the pasta onto our plates and sit at the table to eat. Chat takes a bite and his eyes light up.
“This is really good!” he exclaims.
“I’m glad, maybe we can make more meals together.”
“I’d love that.”
So that's how we lived all summer. He'd come in the evening and cook dinner with me. Afterwards, we’d sit on my bed and cuddle up, each of us absorbed in a book and enjoying eachothers company. I still didn’t know his name by the end of the summer, but I loved him all the same. 

My Other HalfTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang