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The phone started ringing again flashing Farhan's picture along with a stupid heart. Abrar clenched his fist in fury. He had this urge to break that damn thing but controlled himself for the sake of Haya. It was her phone after all.

"Your tea." Haya placed it on the table in front of him as he eyed her, she then quickly walked over to the bed to pick up her phone. As soon as she saw the caller ID, Haya's scowling face turned into a wide smile. Which was enough to piss him off further.

"HAYA WHY DID YOU CUT MY CALL. PLEASE SEND THE DESIGNS. I'm in the restroom." Farhan yelled into the phone; Haya had to take it away from her ears as she wondered what the heck was her best friend talking about.

"What the hell? I don't understand you." Haya asked him in confusion. Farhan groaned from the other side.

"First send me your bridal collections designs, I'm in the middle of a board meeting," Farhan demanded in hurry, Haya rolled her eyes as she sent him the pdf again. All the while Abrar's heated gaze upon her didn't go unnoticed by Haya. Was he really angry because of a stupid anklet? She wondered in amazement.

"Thank you so much! I'll send you lots of chocolates afterwards...let me just go finish this goddamn meeting. Bye." Farhan's voice has drastically changed as soon as he received the pdf.

"Make sure that it's Cadbury dairy milk," Haya demanded excitedly, the moment she heard the word chocolate, her mouth was watering already and she started craving for one right at that moment. But Farhan has hung up on her a long ago, frowning at the phone she threw it back on the bed.

Abrar was still intensely glaring at her.

"Why are you staring at me like that?" Haya placed her hands on her hip, typically as she asked him that.

"Who were you talking with?" Abrar got up from his seat as he came towards her. She blinked her eyes twice, suddenly feeling intimidated by him.

"It was a friend." Haya tried to sound less nervous. Why was she nervous in the first place? Maybe because Farhan doesn't consider them as just friends or maybe because of her tiny little crush on Farhan. It was both.

"Stay away from him." Haya's eyes widened at Abrar's absurd command. What the heck was wrong with him?

"Excuse me?" Haya really wanted to check if he was even in his senses.

"I don't repeat myself. You heard me right by the way." Abrar rolled his eyes at her fuming face.

"What do you think of yourself? You don't get to control my life, Abrar Shah."

Haya's angry words were cut off by the knock at the door. Both of them looked at the door to find a confused Meruza standing by, with a phone in her hand.

"Baba wants to talk with you." She handed over the phone to Abrar, who took it with a scowl. Haya ignored them both as she walked out of the room to distract her mind. She was suddenly feeling guilty for not letting Farhan know about her absurd marriage. It has been a month and a half now. He would be very heartbroken that is for sure.

Even though she and Farhan never openly spoke about their feelings, they both knew it was something more than just friends. Farhan went to Florida six months ago for attending a fashion show as he represented his company. He also said her that when he returns, he'd ask her for something very important and they both know what it was. Haya blushingly replied that she'd wait for him.

But life took a big turn when she visited her uncle's home, who's also her mother's brother. They were kind of nice, but not nice enough to take her in when she needed them the most. It was aunt Muskan's family who took her and her sister in, that too for their own benefits.

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