Chapter 47 [edited]

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I was standing on the back porch, teacup in hand while taking in the scenic landscape around me, when Jacob and Chloe returned a few hours later. I heard the car doors close, echoing in the garage, and I took another sip instead of greeting them. The air shifted around me as I felt a presence from behind, the faint smell of vanilla filling my nose.

"There's no rush," Chloe said gently, standing a few feet away from me. "It's in my purse when you're ready."

I didn't say anything; taking one last look at the changing trees of fall, I exhaled a shaky breath.

"I'm ready."

Chloe followed me into the house, where we met Esme in the kitchen. She glanced between us knowingly and wiped her hands on a towel, pausing her task of making a late meal for us.

"You can use the bathroom connected to Carlisle and my room," she said low enough for us to hear. "I'll make sure nobody interrupts."

"Thanks, Esme." I gave her a weak smile.

Careful not to run into any of the Cullens - and grateful that we didn't - Chloe and I made our way upstairs, unable to bring ourselves to look in the room where Bella's body was laying. As much as I wanted to check on her, my mind was too distracted to focus; now that I've had time to think about the possibility of impending motherhood, I couldn't stop. I could barely process my feelings on the topic as it was.

"Do you want me to go get Jacob?" Chloe asked as I stepped into the bathroom.

"Not yet." I paused, hovering inside the doorway before meeting her gaze. "I just need a minute... before I do this."

"Take all the time you need. I'll be right here." Chloe reassured me, sitting on the edge of the bed.

I closed the door behind me and set the box on the counter, my eyes immediately drawn to my reflection in the mirror. Both my heart and mind were racing, each vibrating on a different erratic wavelength.

Was I ready to be a mom? Was Jacob ready to be a dad? Did he still want kids? How was I going to tell my mom? Billy? Would our baby be in danger from the other pack? From the elders?

What if the test was negative? A false alarm? Would I feel relief or sadness? What about Jake? If it was negative, what the heck did that vision mean?

You won't know until you take the test, a voice in the back of my mind scolded.

Sighing, I ripped open the box and read the instructions carefully. Making sure I did everything right, I set the test on a small pile of tissues on the counter and creaked the door open, meeting Chloe's comforting gaze.

"Will you get Jacob?" I asked, my voice barely a whisper. She nodded and silently left the room, leaving me alone with my thoughts.

Just as the three-minute timer went off on my phone, Jacob appeared in the bedroom. He immediately wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into his chest.

"Whatever the result is, I love you." He murmured in my ear. "I love you, and I'm here for you."

"I know... I love you too."

I released myself from Jacob's embrace and headed to the counter, carefully avoiding the test. Silently counting to 3, I picked it up and looked down at the tiny screen.

One faint line stared back at me.

I felt Jacob move behind me, his arms slipping around my waist as I waited for him to see the result. The tiny bubble of anxiety and nerves in my stomach deflated as the motion of his shoulders sagging slightly confirmed what my brain was trying to comprehend.

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