Chapter 29: Best | Worst

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Anya's POV:

"I used to prefer bubblegum before, but now I think banana flavored ice cream is the best in the whole universe" Daniel said eating his ice cream in a disgusting manner I couldn't even describe

I was currently at brain freeze with this moron who had poor taste in ice cream hoping that at least that would take my mind off Leo but no, no one can replace My Leo.

"I have to go use the bathroom" I lied to him and left to get catch some fresh air.

I decided to go to the backyard of the restaurant, I haven't really gone there before but I've heard it's a garden with lots of beautiful flowers. Yes things like that bore me but I think that's the kind of place I need to go and do some thinking.

I went there and I heard some voices, so I decided to go check who was there. I went and found two couples kissing and I quickly walked away, I'm not in the mood to see cute couples together, I'll end up thinking of Leo.

Wait a minute that IS Leo.

I turned and sure enough I saw Leo, stuffing his face into Dranes's.

Dranes was kissing MY BOYFRIEND and he kissed her back

Why did he betray me?. I'm better than that bitch I mean look at her, I'm prettier than her, more popular than her, I know what Leo wants more than she does and from the looks of things, she's a bad kisser.

I looked at them for some more seconds before they parted away from each other and they looked happy. Leo is happy with that bitch, am I even part of his life anymore?, so I'm just gonna leave him for her?, I'm gonna be the single, lonely one living with ninety-nine cats?, I'm just gonna be the not important one?

But I'm Anya, I'm Anya Dewills, I can't leave Leo. No way, never Leo is mine and I swear I'll fight for him with my last breathe.

I turned around and I saw them walking over to Leo's car probably going home. I had the urge to cry but I'm Anya, I don't do tears.
OK, I don't do tears in public so I'll probably cry at home with no friends to console me since I lost all of 'em.

With the realization that I can't go home and call Roxy, Luna and Renne for some girl night so we can am cry and joke over my problem made me feel a stronger urge to cry and I couldn't control it anymore.

I feel down on the soft grass and burst into tears, I was screaming and crying at the same time. This is actually something I don't want anyone to see, it'll probably ruin my reputation at school.


Hermione's POV:

O no there you go

Making me the liar begging you for more

O no here I go

Starting up a fire no no no..............

Liar by Camila Cabello was playing loudly out of the speaker in Leo's car as I sang along. (By sang I mean yelled, not like I'm a bad singer but when it comes to Camila's songs I loose control)
In case you were wondering then yes, I chose the song. I mean why not?, I love Camila Cabello

"You are crazy you know that right?" Leo asked me with a chuckle
"I've heard from thousands of people" I responded and we both smiled.

I love the way his dimples go in deep when he smiles, laughs, chuckles, giggles, grins, smirks, OK, I love his dimples. It's so cute and........

"A picture would last longer you know" he said snapping me out of my thoughts
"Sorry" I murmured and he heard
"For what?" He asked
"Staring, I forgot staring is considered to be rude" I said again bowing my head
"Wow, you really listened to your courtesy teacher at pre-school" he said laughing lightly
"Courtesy isn't a subject" I argued and he smile

"Your accent" he said with a smile completely changing the awkward topic, thankfully
"What's wrong with it?" I asked faking anger but I knew deep down I expected this.

This is surely the part where he dumps me, I knew he won't like my accent. I knew he'll find me boring or weird, I hope he lets me down softly, I hope he........

"I think it's cute" he said casually.
So that was it, seriously, that was all he wanted to say but it made me blush anyways.

I have to do something about my blush habits

"Thanks" I mumbled
"Are you British?" He asked
"Yes, I am, I only came here because my dad got a promotion that involved him working here so, we had to relocate" I said
"That means you'll be leaving any time soon" he asked
"No, ten years at least" I said and he flashed a smile
"Few more years at school and then we graduate, do you think we'll be able to get married within those ten years" he teased me and as usual I blushed but this time it was more red than usual and he just stared at me with a smile
"You should focus on the road Leo" I said doing anything to take his eyes off me, I was already feeling timid
"We're there already" he said
"There?, where there?" I asked
"Your house Red" he replied back and I looked at the environment, yep, we were at my house, why was I too stupid to notice that at first.

I quickly take off my seat belt and was about to leave when I decided to do something crazy.

I pulled him by the collar of his T-shirt down towards my face and placed my lips on his and sure enough, I let him lead the kiss. We pulled apart again after some minutes in order to breathe. I wanted to say something but I didn't have enough oxygen to say it so I pecked his cheeks, collected my bag, opened the door and hurriedly left the car.


Author's note:
The chapter was........ tell me what you think in the comment session

I feel happy about the way Anya's life is going, who else is?

And as for Leo and Hermione, I think Herleo is a better ship name thanks to @living_beauty

Don't forget to vote and comment guys.

Also, stay home and stay safe


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