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a/n: hey guys, sorry i was a day late. got my driver's license and all yesterday, so that's why :) enjoy!



"So, what? We're instigating a civil war in the Agency?"

Brow arched, lips pursed, Chief Tibble evenly met Vahid's questioning look.

"Not if we can avoid it," replied Tibble, " — but pulling those strings would never hurt."

"It would destabilize the Agency. It would cause chaos, in all departments."

Vahid stared at Tibble, the words met by silence as Adina reached for her glass of whiskey. They were reclining on one of the couches at Adina's neatly furnished apartments, where they'd decided to meet after Adina had finished up her meeting with Director Kimmel. Understandably, she'd reached out to Vahid to discuss the next order of business.

They were, after all, partners for this venture.

"The end goal was to help O'Reilly out of the kill order, not make us all unemployed, Tibble." Vahid added drily, reached for her glass of white wine, " — surely you can't put that in motion, not without considerable thought."

"I give everything considerable thought, Vahid." Adina replied, shooting Vahid a dry look, " — it is, after all, still my job. Besides, the two of us aren't unemployed yet. We have much left to do to help Quinn."

"Then do tell, because I am finding it difficult to decide our next order of business."

Adina eyed Vahid over the rim of her glass, then sipped at her whiskey again. There were thoughts circling in her head, thoughts she had fought with ever since returning home from the Knightsbridge HQ. It had all started the moment she exited the Director's office, mind wholly occupied by the words exchanged between her and Director Kimmel.

There was little doubt in Adina's mind, as to the lengths she'd go to save Quinn's behind. The woman didn't deserve this kill order, and she'd make bloody sure the Agency felt the repercussions of their actions. If, in that process, she tugged on the strings tethered to the long-standing tensions between the different factions within the Agency ... well, it was all part of what needed to be done.

"I'll tell you what our next order of business is, Chief Vahid." Adina drained the last of her glass, then regarded her colleague coolly once more, " — it's finding the mole in your department."

Vahid's lips thinned, "Tread carefully as to who you say has a mole in their department."

Adina rolled her eyes, "We're far from such departmental theatrics, at least between us Chiefs. There is no way the transactions on Quinn's computer were made by her, and so they were re-routed by one of yours."

"It couldn't have been someone in Intelligence?"

Adina shook her head vehemently.

"Few of my people have the skills. Quinn is among those who would be able to do so, but the two of us know she didn't do it to herself. She is far from stupid."

"I'd expect so, especially after your training." Vahid replied, shooting a quick look Adina's way.

"I'll toast to that," Tibble said, then straightened up from the couch to go refill her glass.

She crossed her living room in a handful of steps, reaching for a crystal decanter from which she poured her favored drink. The city lights twinkled beyond her wide windows, a handful of bright blots against a dusty London night sky.

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