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Aria's POV

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Aria's POV

I wash my face and clean it with a towel, then apply some concealer and lip gloss. I exit the toilet and move towards the cabin. I hold the handle of the door, inhaling and exhaling deep breaths. It can't be that difficult now would it? I mean, it would be awkward for sure. Very awkward. But still, I can do this.  

 I knocked on the door and on hearing a ' come in ', I open the door and go in. I straight away go to my desk, without looking anywhere else.

More like any ' one ' else..

I see that all my things were arranged perfectly on the desk and the chair was also a lot times better than the previous one. I sat in it and sighed in comfort. It was all soft and fluffy. Ha! I might as well just sleep in here. 

I shook my self up because I feel like I am going to sleep right here. Then I got some work done. 

"Aria." I heard his voice. Why is he even calling me by my name? Stupid human.

"Yes sir." I asked.

"Coffee." He simply ordered, I nodded and got up to go get some coffee. Luckily for me now, the cafe was only one floor above.

I quickly climb the escalator and enter the cafe. I find Aiden sitting there, sipping some drink, deep into his thoughts. So I decided to say hi to him. I ordered sir's coffee and a black tea for me. Then I went to Aiden and sat in front of him. 

"Hey" I said. And he flinched slightly before looking at me. "Hi. You startled me." He replied.

I chuckled and said. "Sir wanted some coffee and I saw you here, deep in thoughts, so I decided to say hi." 

"Glad you did!" He said and smiled. "Okay I gotta go. See ya!" He continued and scurried away. 

By then, my order was ready so I picked it and made my way down stairs. I knocked on the cabin door and he let me in. I kept the coffee on the table and went back to my space with my black tea. 

Soon, it was time to go home, so I started packing my stuff and shut down the laptop. I heard a ding from my phone so I checked it. I saw a message from Tessa telling me to pick my phone. 

I checked my calls to see three missed calls from Tessa and two from Thomas. I furrowed my eyebrows confused, as to why I couldn't hear it. 

Then I looked up at Ashton to see his stuff also all packed up and he was scrolling through his phone, so I called Tessa. 

"Hey Aria, why were you not picking up my call and Thomas' too? I was so worried-" I cut her off, smiling a little.

"Relax Tess. I didn't get your calls I don't know why? Probably the signals must be low. I am still at work. Why had you called?" I asked.

"Oh okay. I wanted too tell you that uh.. me and Thomas are going to stay the night out and... uh I just wanted to tell you before going and not just text you." She said and I chuckled at her nervousness, silently of course. 

"No you can't go." I said in mock seriousness. Silence followed for a few seconds.

"B-But I-I... okay then, it's a-alright you come b-back home and uh we'll w-we'll-" I cut her off, laughing out loud. I just couldn't control myself. I held my stomach while laughing so hard, not caring about anything else. 

Ashton's POV

I was scrolling through my phone, going through the messages and calls, when I heard a laugh, a very loud one, might I add. I got startled a little but then I looked up, to see Aria holding her stomach and laughing, I could not stop the small smile spreading on my lips, I'd never seen her laugh so loud. 

"Y-You thought-" she paused laughing again. "You fell for it so hard." She said to the other person on the phone. "Oh my God you're too cute." She said, making my smile fall. 

Cute? Whom was she calling cute? 

"Tess, you guys can go out on dates anytime and anywhere and for anytime long, you don't need to inform me, come on I can handle myself pretty well." She paused for a while before saying, "Just make sure not to have too much fun, I'm too young to become an aunt." And she laughed again.

So she is talking to some girl! Phew!

"Okay, take care and tell Thomas to take care too, bye." She said and hung up. 

She shook her head smiling and then she looked up at me and froze. Probably realizing how loud she was, she bit her lip and I looked away the same instant. 

"Uh I'm sorry sir, I didn't realize-"

"That you were laughing like a guinea pig, no problem Aria." I teased her and then looked at her to see her reaction. And as expected she had a very cute expression on her face, mouth in an ' o ' shape and the slight furrow of her brows and cheeks red, oh that blush! It drives me insane. 

I realized I was staring for too long so I smile and collect my things, standing up. Suddenly I saw her in front of me. Her hands on her hips, she had turned a little more redder than before. 

"Hello mister! My laugh does not sound like guinea pig. My mom and dad always said that my laugh the cutest, melodiest if-that's-even-a-word, whatever that. And guinea pig so does not sound like me, it's ridiculous. Even Cole likes my laugh. He says I look like a princess while laughing. I mean, I'm not like those barbie dolls, of course not, but he complimented me, not like you, you called me a guinea pig, I mean you did not technically call me a guinea pig but you said my laugh sounded like a guinea pig which is basically the same. So you did call me a guinea pig, which I'm not!" She gasped out a deep breath after that. 

I looked at her, my eyes widened, and mouth slightly dropped, then I replayed in my head, what all she told. Cole? Who the fuck is Cole?! 

"Who the fuck is Cole?!" I asked, voicing my thoughts. 

"Is that all what you got from the conversation?" She retorted back.

"Honey it was not a conversation when you were the only one speaking." I said, smirking. 

"Oh it so is." She simply said.

"And you do know you're arguing with your boss right now, right?" I asked. And what she did next, shocked me. 

She said, "Office timing over, Mr. Ashton." showing me her wrist watch. She turned her back towards me and collected her stuff. 

She started moving towards the door when I asked, "But I still didn't get my answer, who the fuck is Cole?!"

She just turned towards me once, giving me no answer, she turned back and walked away, leaving me with my mouth opened and mind confused. 

But, who is Cole?


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