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*3rd person pov*
Its been almost a week since wang yibo came to stay with Xiao zhan to take care of him. Within the past few days, zhan started to recover. His fever was totally gone now and so did his cold. But a slight dizziness was still there. He didn't tell it to yibo as he knew that if yibo gets to know that he is still a tinsy bit sick,then his plan to go back to the university will be postponed further. He definitely didn't want that. It was not only his loss but also yibo's as yibo too didn't go to universe for the sake of zhan. Zhan was really angry for that but yibo's stubborn ass was impossible to deal with so he let it be. Today was the last night he will be in his vacation. From tmrw morning he will go to university. But it was also the last night yibo was going to stay with zhan. Somehow the thought of it made both of them a little reluctant but didn't show. They already talked about it. Yibo will go with zhan to the university and afterwards he will drop zhan to his house and take his clothes and go back to his own house. Zhan was talking with zhuo cheng and yibo was in the room packing his bag.

"Hmph....glad that ur even tho dad gets to know about it, he can't do anything as its over now....." Zhuo cheng said on the line. Zhan smiled.
"Glad to see my big bro so concerned about his didi.....*chuckles*" zhan said.
"Shut up." Zhuo Cheng snapped. It was actually true. He was really worried about zhan. But Cheng being the idiot he is....he never shows his gratitude and relief and ends up scolding more.
"OK a-cheng bye for now as i have to pack my bag for tmrw." Zhan said while laughing.
"Bye. And yeah.....U DARE TO GET DRENCHED IN THE RAIN AGAIN AND I SWEAR IM GONNA FLY TO SHANGHAI AND KICK YOUR ASS OUT OF THE PLANET." Zhuo cheng shouted and ended the call.zhan laughed and made his way upstairs. He entered his room and saw yibo sitting on the bed,scrolling through his phone. To zhan's surprise an overwhelming sadness washed over him at the thought of yibo leaving tmrw. It had only been a week since yibo stayed with him and already he became quite attached. He smiled at the memory of yibo nearly killing him with his bike on the first day of the university. Now here he was taking care the boy he nearly drove over. He was snapped out of his thoughts when he heard yibo's amused voice.

"Why are u smiling like an idiot?" Yibo asked and made his way towards zhan. Zhan felt colour rise to his face. He scratched his nape awkwardly.
"Nothing just.....remembering something funny..." Zhan managed to speak out. He saw yibo smirk slightly.
"So what was it that u remembered that made u look like a Disney princess?" Yibo asked. Zhan blushed harder
" just remembering the time when u nearly killed me with ur bike on the first day...and now here u are babysitting my sick ass." Zhan said with a smile and looked down. Yibo cracked up.

"Well for a point I'm glad that it happened." Yibo said. Zhan looked up questioningly.
"Well if that didn't happen then i would have never met u and secondly, i would not be able to witness this precious moment of u blushing like a teenager girl." Yibo says and looks at zhan who became more red. Yibo's heart fluttered as he saw how cute he looked.

=time skip,morning=
Zhan sat on the passenger seat of yibo's car while yibo drove to the university. Zhan was picturing the look on zan jin , ji li and yu bin's faces. He also became quite good friends with yu bin and found out that he was really funny and interesting to talk to. But what bugged him the most was the fact that yibo will not stay with him anymore. He didn't understand himself. Why was he so reluctant to let yibo leave? Probably because he took care of him and stayed over with him for a week and zhan already thought him as a friend. But little did he know that the feeling was something more beautiful and complicated. He still has many things to find out and deal with but all in time. They arrived at the university. Yibo got off the car and walked towards zhan's side of the door and opened it for him. Zhan smiled and got off. They got inside the campus and then they hear three people screaming together.

" ZHAN! YIBO! U GUYS ARE BACK!!" ji li , yubin and zan jin shouted at once and came bounding towards them. Zhan smiled and hugged them.

"Guys! I missed u so much!" Zhan said as he hugged zan jin.
"God u won't believe how bored we were when u weren't there! Thankfully yubin was always there to accompany us." Ji li said and thumped zhan on the back.
"Zhan are u okay now?" Yubin asked Zhan.
"I'm completely fine now yubin." Zhan said with a smile but then leaned closer to yubin and whispered so that yibo could not hear him," but still i have a slight dizziness. Please don't tell it to yibo or else he's gonna quarantine me again."
Yubin smiled. " rest assured. But take care yourself wont you?" Yubin added with concern. Zhan winked and smiled to assure him.
" What are you guys whispering about? Yubin i swear if u are saying anything about me then u wont be able to see the light of the day again.". Yibo said and threw a glare at his best friend.
"Dont worry poker face, we aren't bad-mouthing about you." Yubin added and laughed.
"C'mon guys lets go to class or we will be late." Zan jin said and the five of them set off for their class. While walking, yubin and yibo walked behind li, jin and zhan. Yubin scooted closer to yibo and gave him a mischievious glare. Yibo glared back.

Lost in You ( yizhan ff)✔completedWhere stories live. Discover now