Chapter 14

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i'm sorry for the late chapter but i had a busy weekend. i hope this chapter is up to your standards. thank you for reading and ily guys.

and now the fun begins...😈


We got a lead on Louis Tomlinson.

Louis reads the message and looks back at Harry. They stare at each other both trying to process the situation before the ringing of Harry's phone breaks their trance. Harry picks up his phone to see who is calling him.

Incoming call from: Nialler

Harry sighs and hovers over the answer button before pressing it and answering the phone call.

"Hey, Hazza. We got a lead on Louis and wanted to let you know to see if you could come in and help us because we're going out onto the field." Niall says quickly once Harry answers the phone.

"Niall," Harry croaks. He's able to partially talk now after putting ice on it and taking care of it, but it's still painful and his voice is not very coherent all the time. "I told you I can't come in." Harry tries to speak clearly.

"Are you sick, Haz?" Niall asks. Harry decides to take this as his chance and uses his damaged throat to his advantage. 

"Yeah, that's why I can't come in. Umm, what was the lead you said you got?" Harry decides to change the topic from him to try and figure out what's happening with the lead. 

"We got some info of someone saying they saw someone who looked similar to Louis walk into an apartment complex. They also said he seemed to have someone with him." Niall clarifies. Harry's breath catches in his throat as he looks over to Louis in horror. 

"And what are you guys doing about the lead?" Harry whispers out. He gets out of the bed to start pacing while Louis just looks at him confused.

"Well we sent an officer earlier to scout the place and it seems pretty abandoned, so we are going to go and raid it to catch him off guard." Niall replies. 

"Shit." Harry mutters. He quickly picks up the notepad and writes down what is going on and hands it to Louis.

They know you are here and are coming. We need to leave. 

Louis looks up at him with wide eyes and then begins packing the important things they need into two bags for them to carry while they make their escape. 

"Sorry, I can't be of help Nialler. Hope the mission goes well." Harry says as Louis begins to open one of the windows so they can climb out of the flat and take a back route, to somewhere Harry doesn't know. 

"It's ok Haz, I understand why you can't make it. Hope you feel better, and I'll update you when we're done. We're leaving now so I gotta go. Bye Haz!"

"Bye Niall." Harry says before hanging up the phone. He turns around to see Louis getting a gun out from a hidden compartment. "What the hell?! Why are you getting a gun out?!" Harry asks incredulously, although his voice is still scratchy and cracks every few syllables.

"Well if they're coming here I want to be armed in case they shoot me. Which they probably will." Louis explained in a 'duh' tone while making sure the gun was loaded.

"They know you have someone with you." Harry whispers out. "Also, where are we going to go?"

"Shit. Umm, I can't take you back to base... Could we go to your house?" Louis asks. He knows it's a long shot and maybe- probably- a terrible idea, but it's all they've got right now.

Harry's eyes widen at the question. "Are you serious?!" He whisper-yells, and Louis nods. "I mean I guess we can. I just hope Noah isn't there. He shouldn't be though, he's got work today..." Harry says as he shakes his head. Louis opens his mouth to say something, but before he can there's the sound of quiet footsteps approaching the door of the apartment.

Louis and Harry look at each other before rushing to pick up the bags Louis got ready and jumping out of the window as quickly and quietly as possible. Thankfully it isn't a far drop so they easily land on their feet just as the door to the apartment opens. They begin running down the alley way that is connected to an open street, where from there they can head towards Harry's house. Louis doesn't know where it is, so Harry has to lead the way. He hopes the agency is coming after him, and if they are that they don't recognise him or else he is in big trouble. 

After ten minutes of sprinting and taking twists and turns to escape the officers, they slow to a stroll pulling the hoods of their hoodies up enough to hide their faces, but not seem suspicious. Harry's breathing is erratic again and he is wheezing because his throat is still healing. Louis hands him a water bottle he brought along for this reason and Harry sends him a grateful smile before gulping half of it down. 

"We're about a fifteen minute walk from my house." Harry says. Louis nods and rests a hand over the bump where his gun is located, tucked into the waistband of his pants. They continue to walk in a comfortable silence while keeping a watchful eye out. 

About fifteen minutes later they arrive at Harry's house. They walk up to the front door as Harry reaches into his pockets to get his keys, only to realise he didn't grab them on his rush to leave the house.

"What's wrong?" Louis asks, watching Harry feel around all of his pockets. Harry sighs once he is sure he doesn't have them on him.

"I didn't grab my keys when I was running out of the house." He says sadly. Louis just shrugs and pulls his gun out, slamming it against the door knob knocking it off the door. The door slowly creaks open and Louis pushes it open and steps inside. 

"That's one way to do it." Harry mutters. He follows Louis into the house only to see him standing rigid and staring in front of him. 

"Nice, to see you Harry. And you brought your friend this time. Tell me is this the one you were cheating on me with?" Noah says. Harry's body goes rigid as he brings his eyes to meet Noah's. That son of a bitch had a sadistic smirk on his face, eyeing Harry up and down. Harry feels tears form in his eyes as he stares at the man he thought loved him, but only used him for his own pleasure. Harry went to say something but the smell of blood that was still in the house had him gagging, ruining his already wrecked voice, making him unable to speak. Louis sees his struggle and decides to take matters into his own hands. 

"You must be Noah. How nice to meet you." Louis says sending Noah a fake smile before shooting him in the foot. 


heheh louis met noah. how fun. 

i honestly have no clue how long this book is gonna be i'm just going with the flow and i don't like writing short chapters or really long chapters. do you guys like the length of the chapters right now or would you prefer them to be longer? shorter?

thoughts? what do you think's gonna happen to noah? do you think louis and harry are gonna get caught being together?

don't forget to comment and vote.

all the love,
-H x

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