Chapter Thirty-Nine

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“Alec, please do me a favour and be civil to your father, can you do that for me?”

I looked up at my mother who was stood at my bedroom door; all dressed up and ready to go. I finished tying my tie and picked up my navy suit jacket off the back of my chair and made my way to my bedroom door. My mother put her arm out in front of me, stopping me from leaving.

“Alec?” she asked with a note of warning in her voice.

“If that’s what you really want, then okay. Can we just go already?”

She moved my messy hair away from my forehead – I’d wear a suit, but no way was I slicking my hair back- and cupped my face in her hands.

“Thank you. Your father is waiting in the car, let’s go.”

Luke was sat at the bottom of the stairs and I had to do a double take when I saw him. Mum had managed to get him to wear black suit and tie, along with a white shirt, and had somehow convinced him to actually comb his hair. I was impressed.

“Your suit is way more casual than mine,” he complained as I pulled him to his feet. I was wearing  a navy suit and tie, along with a light blue long-sleeved shirt underneath. Luckily, my suit fit much better than Luke’s since I was able to fill it out more, so I hopefully didn’t look as uncomfortable as he did.

“Nah, you look way casual. How’s it feel not wearing a hoodie?”


“Right boys,” said mum as she put on her jacket, “time to go.”


Thankfully there was minimal conversation on the way to the charity event, which was being held at one of the fancy hotels outside of town. After being reminded that we were to be polite and respectful etc. we made our way into the hotel aka the party of doom.

The main venue was all fancy and reeked of money, as you would expect at these kinds of things, and some posh dude showed us to our table.

My luck has really run out. Of course, sat at our table were Kieran, Amanda, and my best friend in the whole wide world, Molly.

  “Jack, good to see you,” said Kieran, getting up to greet my father. They always acted like they hadn’t seen each other in years. I did my best to smile and look happy to be here. Which I wasn’t.

I shook Kieran’s hand before turning towards Molly who was pulling out the chair next to her and eagerly patting it. And so it begins.

“Hey, Molly.”

“Hi Alec, long time no see?”

“I know right.”

Once everyone was seated a waiter came and served us all a glass of champagne- at least there was alcohol to get me through this. I occupied myself by sipping from my glass and looking around the place.

“The place looks great,” I said to Molly, trying to avoid eye contact with her. I could feel her staring at me and wanted nothing more than to be at another table. I don’t know what, but I always feel uncomfortable around her- at least with the likes of Savannah I knew what I was dealing with, but Molly was so unpredictable that she really freaks me out.

“It sure is,” she said, reaching for her own glass. I saw a waiter approaching and quickly downed my glass and held it out for a refill.

“So,” continued Molly, “you got a girlfriend yet?”

“Ehh... no?”

I wasn’t lying, but I knew I should have.

“Really, well I guess that makes me very lucky then.”

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