Thirty Percent Sleight of Hand

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Camille and I are just going over some last minute training to prepare for my Lieutenant's exam that is in just under a week. She really wants to make sure that I have all the information I need for the exam, so I can walk into the exam room confidently.

"Honestly, Olivia, everyone knows that you are going to pass this test" Camille assures me, "I do really hope so" I reply, still not feeling as excited as everyone else.

Plus, as soon as I become a Lieutenant, it means that I am not going to return back to 51. The rest of my career would have to be away from my 51 family and I'm just not sure that's what I want right now.

"Just remember all your training and you will pass that exam with flying colours" she motivates me, "thanks so much for all your help. Camille" she really has done a lot for me. "Of course" she pats my back as Andy comes over to us. 

"Yo, Lewis, here you are" he hands me a roll of money, "thank you" I look down confused, "it's not for you, it's for the tickets to the CFD picnic" he tells me as Camille laughs at my cluelessness. 

"So why are you giving it to me? I don't have the tickets" I try to give it back to him. 

"Mouch is selling the tickets and I thought you would want to be the one to go down and collect them" he explains, "but if you don't want to-" he tries to take it back. "No!" I interject, "I'll go" I put the money in my pocket, wanting any excuse to go back to Firehouse 51.

Missing all of them terribly.

"Don't be too long" Camille instructs as I go over to my car and start driving down to 51. 

Once I get there, I feeling the same familiarity but this time it's different because I am only visiting, no longer a member of the 51 family. 

Parking up outside, my old parking space still free, walking inside the same way I have done for years. 

Taking my back to the first day I arrived, immediately feeling the love as they accepted me from the get go. All the drama, all the arguments, all the hugs and most importantly all the love, is lined all over the walls.

No where to turn without being hit with a memory wrecking ball.

Peaking into the equipment compartment of the Squad 3 rig, smiling to myself when I realise it hasn't changed, they kept my method. A part of me that will remain even when I am not here. 

Running my fingers down the rig, remembering all the times I would hose it down with Capp because we were both being mouthy and Kelly wanted to punish us.

The time he splashed me which led to the inspiration of Olive. 

Holding onto the handle that would usually hold up my turnout jacket, but now it's plain, the area where my boots would lay, also left untouched. 

I jump into the rig, sitting in my usual seat, my gaze immediately turning to the front seat where I would catch Kelly looking at me. Remembering the times I would swap seats with Capp so Kelly could reach behind and I would hold his hand.

Never wanting to let go.

I need to stop being so caught up in all my memories at 51, it's stopping me from making memories at 53. 

53 is where my future lies. 


Stepping out of the rig and walking over to the empty squad table, picking up the abandoned deck of cards, shuffling them as I recall all the games we played. All the bets made and the rounds lost on my hand. 

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