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It was a very different type of screaming I woke up to that morning, my mom basically found out that I didn't unpack as of yet, and that ensured an earful which acted as my unwanted alarm clock.

Dad, Kyle and Sam were all pretending to not have auditory senses, while my reasonable remarks about me 'moving out soon' fell on deaf ears.

Breakfast was a gloomy ordeal and I couldn't leave home fast enough. Mom gave me the silent cold treatment while no one dared to speak, afraid of saying the wrong thing and setting off a nuclear explosion.

The visit-home vacation time has come to an end, my brother and Sam are both going to return to their respective jobs, and soon enough, even I will be on my way (much to mom's displeasure).

Kyle offered me the keys to his empty penthouse, but I refused. That place was huge and it would only make me more aware of my lonely, tiny existence. I was already looking for a decent sized apartment according to my preference and it seemed I would find one by the end of this week.

Working in real estate development had certain perks. John was one of the best real estate agents in the team, he sent me a list of places according to my needs, but my busy schedule didn't allow for any personal matters.

I left for work slightly agitated and a few minutes late for the first time today. To add to all this, the fact that it was monday automatically dunked me in a sour mood. During lunch hour when I refused to eat and sat there picking at my food, Kate caught on to my foul mood making me spill every single detail. Although I would never admit it to her but telling her every small thing made me feel better, like a weight has been lifted off.

Today we had a meeting regarding signature heights airlines. It was mainly about starting air commutes to new places that the company hadn't explored yet.

Even though airlines wasn't our company's primary business, it was a major deal that brought in a lot of opportunities and revenue.

The contract for more aircrafts was already in order, because of increasing demand.

The meeting consisted of around fifteen people, most of them from the aviation and marketing department.

During the meeting everyone discussed the highs and lows of the situation, it was a very interactive session as no one was leading it with a presentation, Jensen was very actively engaged as he listened and made suggestions for certain ideas.

He asked my opinions and hung on to every word I said which was something new and I was not used to it. He made me in-charge for marketing and campaigning and I was genuinely thrown for a moment.

I had some information about the possible requirements of airline and commercial pilots and flight attendants by the end of that meeting. Ten new places were finalized for travel, most of them being vacation and business capitals. This project was going to create more job opportunities in the field of aviation.

I didn't understand sudden change in Jensen's behavior, he wasn't less cold, or rude...but he seemed to be going out of his way to talk to me and include me in business and events but I was dodging him as best as I could without coming off as impolite.

It was around 5pm when I returned to my office. The sun has already started its descent towards the horizon but I didn't feel like going home. The atmosphere in my office was blazing like frozen heat, stuck somewhere between hot, cold and humid.

I was bored out of my mind and tapping away on my keypad, replying to all the mail that came in during the weekend.

After staring at numbers all day, this was a welcome distraction. My mind hopped back to those numbers time and again.... some things didn't add up....there were so many pieces missing. Maybe I didn't have all the required information, but I did have clearance for the information. Then...What was I not seeing?

Employed Epoch Of Alex Brook | Book 1| Humor-Romance (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now