11: Recoup

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Chapter 11: Recoup (Izza's POV)

I turned from the door and found myself staring at Devon's face. It was a face of pure horror. You could taste the anger as it rolled off of his body. His body rippled as if Dexter were trying to breakthrough. His green eyes stared back into my blues ones the whole time. He was panting as if he couldn't catch his breath. The growl that emitted from him made everyone flinch. Turning he punched the wall behind him. The wall was solid brick, or at least it was, as now it has a giant hole in it. He left the living room and made his way into the kitchen.

"Izza, We need to talk. NOW!" He called as he left the room.

"Who's Izza?" Heather asked. I'm going to have a lot to explain.

"It's a long story, I will be right back guys. Can you start to put the boxes together while I go talk to the Alpha?" I said as the sound of another growl and the sound of things breaking rang through the house.

"Are you going to be okay?" Angela questioned. He would never hurt me. I hope.

"Now Izza." He shouted again. This is his fault why is he yelling at me. Oh right, because I'm leaving.

"I'll be right back." With that, I left my friends in the living room and made my way into the kitchen. The table and chairs were all destroyed.

"What is going on. Are you leaving me? Don't do this to us. Please." He wrapped his arms around me and gulped in my scent as if he needed it to live.

I tried to pull away, but his grip was like steal around me. "We talked about this yesterday, Dev. I need some space. I can't do this anymore. I love you Dev, but I can't continue to be the fool."

"What about last night though?" I can barely remember last night. No, that's a lie. But it still doesn't change anything.

"I was drunk, you were horny. That is the only time you pay me any attention. Is when you have an itch no one else can scratch. You don't want a mate remember. I do. It rings through my head every time I see you. I see you with all your little blonde bitches, trying to fill a hole that only I can fill, but you never wanted me. You only wanted my body. Well, you have had it. I hope you got your fill last night because it's the last time you will ever touch me like that again. I told you I was through and I mean it. Release me, so I can go." The more I talked the more mad I got. I thought about every hurtful thing he had ever done to me and was happy to see that I had finally hurt him back. I put all the power I had into those last words and they rang with a tone of authority.

Devon stepped back. "I really have fucked everything up. Haven't I?"

"Yes Dev, you fucked everything up from the moment we met. I should have done this three years ago. I may have saved myself a lot of tears, pain, and regret. Last night was a... A... Goodbye."

Devon turned from me, picked up the ten-foot-long kitchen island, and threw it through the glass doors that lead out to the pool, "Fine go. If that's what will make you happy." He stormed off up the stairs.

I stood in the kitchen and let a few tears fall down my face. Doctor Gabe came out and wrapped an arm around my shoulder. "You okay? He didn't hurt you, did he?"

"Not in a physical way. It's always been emotional hell with him." One crazy emotional roller coaster.

"You deserve so much better in a man, in a mate. I'm so sorry that this is the life you have to live. If you were my mate I would shower you with love. Everyone would know that you were mine. I wouldn't leave you locked up here alone and unloved." I was pulled tighter into a hug and Doctor Gabe gave off the impression that he wanted more than friendship. Gabe is 33 and lost his mate in a bad storm 9 years ago. She was out on the water studying the marine life when the swells started and it swallowed their boat whole. He understood what it felt like to lose your mate. His was gone forever. Mine was two floors up, but might as well be just as far away.

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