Chapter 9: Uniformed Practices

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“So, Marinette.” All chatter stops when Bruce starts to talk. “It was part of our agreement that you’ll be continuing your education here at Gotham Academy.”

“Ah, yes. Was there any problems transferring my papers? Is it too late in the year to transfer? Oh no, it is, isn’t-” Bruce cuts her off.

“Of course not. It’s just… are you completely sure you wish to return to school? With what happened previously, it’s alright if you don’t want to return to a campus. I’m sure we can arrange online courses.”

No, no! It’s okay. Besides I’m in a completely different country, so what can possibly go wrong?” Everyone seems to groan collectively, but it’s Cassie that speaks what’s on all their minds.



“What. Is. This. We have to wear uniforms?!” Marinette glances between where Alfred and Damian are standing and the small stack of uniforms on the couch. “Am I at least able to make adjustments to them, so they fit better?”

“I don’t see why not, Miss. Marinette. As long as you don’t change the appearance in any way. This is one of the anti-bullying repellents that they have at this school. Since bullying is completely unacceptable, Master Bruce and I feel as if you’ll feel more safe to attend. Plus, having a familiar face also attending might help.” He gestures to where Damian stands besides him.

“Okay… I have today and today only to make adjustments. Oh!” She turns back to Alfred. “What time should I wake up?” Damian answers this time.

“School starts at 7:30, so Alfred would wake us both up at six.” Marinette nods, thinking.

“That’s more than enough time! I’ll probably have to set a couple of alarms for different things… American schools start so early, dang…” She slowly starts to walk back to her bedroom with the uniforms stacked on her arm, when her phone pings. She pulls it out and looks down at the notification. “Merde!” She quickly turns back and calls out, “thanks for your help! I’ve gotta go now.” She spins and full out sprints to her room with both Damian and Alfred staring after her in confusion.

(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

“Tikki, we have a problem! There’s an akuma in Paris and I don’t have a cat! Oh no, what am I going to do?” The kwami sets herself in front of Marinette.

“Marinette, don’t worry! Remember, you planned for this already; use Mullo to split and then merge me, Plagg, Trixx and Kaalki with one of your duplicates.” The bluenette’s breakdown halts when she hears the plan, and she retrieved the Miraculous from the Miracle Box. She places Mullo’s necklace around her neck, replacing the one she already had on there, and quickly recites the plan to the small mouse like kwami. Then, she calls out the transformation phrase and immediately follows it with the set of words that activates her powers.
She takes Plagg’s ring from her necklace and hands it over to one of her forms and proceeds to do the same with Kaalki’s glasses and Trixx’s necklace.

One by one, each replica of Marinette merges each miraculous. Red Mouse pulls her flute from where it’s strapped on her back and disguises Bug Mouse and Mouse Noir to look like Ladybug and Chat Noir. Mare opens a portal and all four heroines cross over the blue disk of light and into the chaos of Paris.

Meanwhile in the Batcave

Damian swiftly enters the cave with his siblings trailing behind him. After checking that neither Alfred or his father followed them, he begins to speak.

“So I went with Alfred to give Marinette her uniforms and learned some new information on what happened over in Paris. Drake, you might want to add this to your file on her.” Tim sputters from his seat in front of the Batcomputer.

“How-? How did you find it? I put a whole bunch of firewalls preventing anyone from accidentally stumbling upon it.” Damian rolls his eyes.

“Anyone with mediocre hacking skills would be able to find that file, Drake. It’s like you didn’t try to prevent anyone from finding it.” Jason speaks up, annoyed.

“Besides Replacement’s horrible hacking skills, what did you find out about Pixie?” Damian looks around to confirm that they’re alone and everyone’s attention is on him before he starts speaking.

“She’s been bullied. And from the way Alfred was assuring her that GA doesn’t tolerate bullying, it was bad. And from what I gathered from that exchange, the school’s corrupt. GPD corrupt; maybe even worse.”

“Damn.” Dick sits up from where he lays on the floor. “How in the world is she still the embodiment of sunshine?” Damian nods.

“Exactly. Something’s happening in Paris. Something horrible. And I plan to find out what.”

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