Chapter 14: Acid Rain

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You both staggered forward, not being able to find a door. So you crawled through a nearby vent that was busted open. Jill went in first, to make sure it was okay on the other side. Then you went in after, realizing it was a bad time to have a single arm. You had to use the full strength of your left arm to pull yourself through that small vent. But that's when you heard a yelp come from Jill. 

Quickly pulling yourself out, you saw Nemesis holding Jill by her throat. You saw her handgun on the ground and carefully picked it up. You looked around before seeing highly flammable canisters. You've never really shot a gun before. Let's just hope this thing didn't break your only hand. You aimed and without warning and fired at the canister. 

b o o m

The end of the hall where Nemesis was lit up in flames, and of course it let go of Jill. She fell to the ground and you quickly went over, the shock from the recoil of the gun quickly wearing off by adrenaline. Slipping the handgun into your pocket, you went to go help her up. But no, Nemesis still wanted to kill her. So the large tentacle thing got wrapped around her leg and started dragging her back. You instantly took Jill's hand and started pulling. Guess the monster had gotten somewhat weaker due to the explosion because you pulling her was working, bringing Jill away from the lit up end of the hall. This did stall for time because another one of the canisters exploded and sent you both sailing across the hall. This worked because you were now in front of an elevator. So the both of you scrambled onto it and activated it to go up. As it ascended, you watched more of the hallway burst open into more flames followed by mini explosions. On the way up, you handed Jill her gun which she thanked you for along with saving her.

After a few moments, the elevator brought you to a more calm and quiet area. That did surprise you, but you were relieved after all the shit you two just went through. 

You both really couldn't a break, could you?

The two of you continued on, pushing through a large door. You stepped out into a large open area, examining your surroundings. It  looked like an arena...only in a lab setting. There were about eight large containers surrounding it. Each one had a giant bold number followed by the word 'Umbrella'. You walked along the grate like pathway and down a set of stairs. But only halfway down was this peacefulness disturbed. Rapid footsteps approached only this time not from behind. You both looked over and saw Nemesis break through the door and sections of the wall where you previously came from. 

It roared, its voice echoing through the large space. The two of you bolted back up the stairs as it leapt over the railing, crashing onto the stairs behind you. It started breaking due to the force of the monster machine behind you both. It started to fall a bit more, you both holding on with what you could. But for you, it wasn't as easy. Before falling, the creature took one last grip at the detached staircase. It broke one final time before it fell to the ground below. You also couldn't hold on any longer and you slipped. But in the brief moment, Jill used one of her hands to grab yours. You looked up when you stopped falling to your possible death, breathing a slight sigh of relief. But that's when an oh so familiar voice came back to haunt you both.

"Oooh, what do we have here?"

God dammit Nicholai.

"Nicholai, don't! The city needs that vaccine!" Jill said, and that's when you saw that he had the vaccine in his hand. It must've dropped when the stairs broke.

"More than I do? hmm."

He said, crouching down to look at you both.

"I don't think the wisdom I've been trying to impart on you both is getting through."

While he spoke, he pressed his foot down onto Jills. The only hand she had to keep you both from falling.

"Now I know you can't put a price on life. But I'm in this business to get paid. So let's make a deal. You both go down there, battle the Nemesis. And I'll record it all and sell the combat data. Put on a good show and maybe I don't need the vaccine. Agreed? Good."

"Wait! Don't-" You tried to get a say in this, but it was too late. He twisted his foot and made Jill lose her grip. This dropped you both to the ground, rolling down a slanted concrete wall.

You both hurriedly got up, not wanting to get killed. You both saw the Nemesis and instantly got to work. With Jill on gun duty and you using explosives, you both unleashed everything. After a while of hitting this thing hard, you heard a voice come through a speaker. And boy were you glad to hear it.

"Jill? Y/N? Is that you?"

"Carlos?" You said, the both of you turning around. You looked up to a viewing point displayed by a large window. You saw him standing inside, glad to see a friendly face.

"You're okay!" He said happily. "Let me spot for you."

You both nodded in agreement, putting your attention back on the Nemesis. It started to run around again, so you both got ready. That's when Carlos came back online.

"Watch it! You've got company!"

You were confused at first, but immediately became concerned as normal infected started to head for you.

"Uh Jill-" You said, slightly panicked. She glanced over, looking slightly concerned as well.

"Shit- We gotta keep an eye on two things at once now." She said, drawing her handgun out to the infected.

"Save your bullets." You said, bringing out your knife. "I got this."

You then stepped up to the infected, Jill not arguing back. You both did your parts. You made sure neither of you got bitten or attacked by infected while Jill maintained the beast that was Nemesis. Carlos continued to be your lookout, telling you when more infected were coming. The battle lasted for God knows how long. You eventually just pulled Jill back when the area was clear and made a quick and easy plan. 

Jill ran around the side, yelling at the Nemesis as a distraction. The creature was very much oblivious, only focused on Jill because that was its target. That's when you chucked in a flash grenade at its feet. It looked back at you before its vision was obscured for a few moments. And in those moments, Jill brought out the launcher and started hammering it with round after round. After that, it roared loudly before falling back. It went limp and you called the fight over.

"Jill, Y/N! Here comes the crane. Use it to climb up!" Carlos said, speaking through the intercom.

You looked up and saw the crane slowly coming down. But that's when you heard gurgling and looked over at the Nemesis. It started to shift a bit before getting up. You both panicked, starting to back up a bit. Jill kept you behind her as she brought out her pistol, shooting it a few times.

"Watch out!"

With that, Carlos used the crane and crashed it into the creatures head. It was flung into the nearby wall, it's head now obliterated. You both breathed sweet relief, knowing it was down. And you honestly hoped for good. The crane came down by you both, landing on the ground. You both shuffled over, exhausted by that whole fight. You stepped on, wrapping your arm around the bar while your feet stood on the lower one. Jill gave a thumbs up to Carlos, the crane slowly being raised up.

"I'm gonna melt this fucker to mush." Carlos said as you watched green liquid being poured out onto the Nemesis. It thrashed around, its body slowly being consumed by the stuff.

So long you bastard.

1,344 Words

((What an epic fight! And you finally found Carlos! The journey is almost over, and I plan to finish it this week. Motivation was hard to get to finish this book, but I'm powering through for you guys! Hope you all enjoyed and I'll see you in the next chapter.                ~Galaxy

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