Accidental Spills

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"'Cause two can keep a secret, if one of them is dead."
         ~Pierces, Secret.

Nobody's dying😂, I just love the song (and PLL)


Mason pushes the front door open and we make our way inside.

"Maya!" Angie appears, running towards us.

"Angelique, don't, you'll hurt her." Mrs. Wilder appears behind her.

Angie stops in her tracks and looks between her mother and us. I give her a small smile and her face brightens up.

"Are you alright?" I look up and find Oliver standing next to his mom.

"Yeah." I nod.

"Help her sit down." Mrs. Wilder instructs.

Mason and I slowly make our way to the couches. He helps me sit down. He lifts my legs up and puts them on the couch.

"Thank you," I smile before adding, "but I can do all this myself, don't worry too much."

"Nonsense," Mrs. Wilder remarks, "Oliver, go get some ice and a cloth from the kitchen. I'll get a stool."

"I'll keep you company." Angie suggests and I nod enthusiastically.

She sits down in front of me, on the blue and black carpet. Mason makes himself comfortable on the couch opposite mine and listens to Angie's endless questions regarding my ankle.

Oliver returns, a cloth and small container of ice cubes in his hands. He looks down at my ankle then my face before his eyes flash to the ground. For a second, I swear I see a look of concern.

"How did you fall?" My attention turns back to Angie.

"I slipped, there was water on the floor. I tried to hold on to the counter but I twisted my ankle and fell." I cringe at the memory.

"Oh no," her face falls, "I accidentally spilled water in the kitchen. Maya, did I make you fall?"

"No, honey." I shake my head. "It wasn't you."

"Here's the stool." Mrs. Wilder announces as she walks in, holding a brown wooden stool.

She sets it down next to Angie and puts a cushion on top of it. She carefully lifts up my leg and places it on top of the cushion.

"Maya, would you like me to bring you something?" Oli offers.

I look up, unable to answer immediately from the shock. I give him a smile and slowly shake my head.

"No, thank you."

He nods before quietly leaving the room.

Well, at least I know he doesn't really dislike me.

"Maya, I think you should sleep in Mason's room tonight."

I shoot my head to my left to look at Mrs. Wilder who is standing next to me.


"Yeah," she nods, "he can sleep in the guestroom. It'll be easier for you to move around. I'll bring your things down for you."

I nod and glance at Mason. I find him looking at me and I look away. Mrs. Wilder leaves the room and Angie follows behind her, trying to negotiate an ice cream sandwich before supper.

I lie back on the couch and close my eyes. The pain in my ankle is barely noticeable now but I feel very tired.

I haven't studied in days and I'm going to have to miss my classes tomorrow. I wonder if I'll be able to move around with this ankle or if I'll need someone to always hold on to.

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