Chapter 52

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It's not lost on me that reading his cryptic letters is bad for my mental health. Granted, if a stranger happened to read one without knowing the writer, it would seem innocent, sweet even. Aunt Amy found the fourth installment of his creepy weekly saga and said under her breath, "He's twisted." Ever since, the weekly deliveries have come to a screeching halt. I envision her setting a ceremonial fire to them as soon as they hit the mailbox. This is the first one I've seen in a while.

I know he's safely locked up; still my palms sweat when I look at his handwriting. And for some reason, I'm more worked up than normal at the mere thought of even reading this note. But I must. Rob swears mom gave him and his sleazy attorney a document proving she wanted him to have custody of us. And as difficult as I was, I wonder sometimes if that's true. But not Spencer. She would have never agreed to hand him over to that monster. I rip at the sealed seam and tug out the tri-folded message. I can't even imagine what more he could add to make sure I keep my mouth shut.

To my sweet daughter,

I lay here at night and think of all the ways we can become a family again. Remember the times we spent planning camping trips and how much fun it was in the Smokey's? Would love to get on the Appalachian trails again with my kids. I know how much my little boy loves nature. I think about your mom every day and how much I miss her and how it kills me that you are growing up without me. It's not how I wanted it to be. When I finally get out, I promise to do everything I can to make sure my family is back together. You are all I have left and I will do anything to make sure you know that.


You would think by now, I'd be immune to its effects. But no. Calling me "sweet daughter" and signing off with "daddy" instantly nauseates me. And he always writes, "you are all I have left." What he really means is, "you are all I have left in my way." The hiking bit is new, though I know what he's implying. One of the waterfall trails we climbed during a Tennessee mountain camping trip a while back displayed signs everywhere saying children fall to their deaths all the time. So no one would ever question him if Spencer accidentally fell off a cliff. If I tell the truth about that night, they'd put me in jail where I belong. Spencer would be all alone. And Rob could one day gain custody and follow through on one of his many threats if I ever come clean about everything.

I bury the letter in the back of my closet with the others in the gift bag tucked under the volleyball mom gave me. It's just the fuel I need to keep me focused on playing my part. Protect the life my brother deserves to have is my sole mission. Living with Aunt Amy is the best thing that could have happened to us and I won't do anything to ruin that.

A faint buzzing echoes deep inside my dresser. I pull at a drawer, vaguely recalling that Aunt Amy put my phone in here. The screen is full of unread texts, a missed call and a voicemail.

The most recent is an unknown number.

Today 3hr ago

It reads: "It's Christina. Call when you can."

I scroll down. It's Abigail.

4hr ago

Abs: Well? We on for Sat?

The next set are from Lindsey.

4hrs ago

Linds: Pls tell me she said yes.

Today 4hrs ago.

Linds: Did u ask?

Today 5hrs ago.

Linds: wht did she say bout sat?

Wed 9:11pm

Linds: R we kool 4 sat?

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