Let's take a selfie

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Chapter Eight


On Friday night Joey threw a party at his house, most of the lads from our year were there and quite a few of the girls too. The furniture in the living room had been pushed against the walls out of the way, music was blaring from his speakers by the TV and the smell of alcohol hung in the air.

I pushed my way into the kitchen and tried to find myself a drink, the music could still be heard but it was muffled. The fridge was packed with cans of beer, and the kitchen counters were lined with tall glass bottles of various spirits. Little plastic cups were kept together in stacks of about twenty.

I grabbed a can of beer and popped it open, taking a few gulps of it before heading back into the main room. I saw Joey talking to a girl with brown hair, his arm wrapped around her red dress clad waist. He caught my eye and gave me wink then continued his chat with little Miss Red-dress.

An arm came around my shoulder, El stood next to me with his own beer, Dan on his other side.

"What's up, man? Where's the Girlfriend?" I didn't get chance to answer before being interrupted by Dan.

"Bored of just one girl already?" he asked, and the two of them burst of laughing.

I took another sip out of the can and turned to them, "Nah, I'm seeing her tomorrow, but tonight's reserved for my boys." El gave me a high five then caught sight of something behind me.

"Oh no he didn't." I raised my eyebrows in question at Dan, who looked equally as confused.

"Oh no who didn't?"

El shook his head, "Ben is hooking up with Jordan in the corner over there."

Dan and I both turned to look, Ben was El's on/off boyfriend, they were currently off but that didn't stop El being offended.

El stormed past us and went over to Ben and Jordan, I couldn't hear what any of them were saying over the music but it looked intense. El was stood with his hands out, Ben looked apologetic.  Jordan looked uncomfortable as he silently edged away and left the two of them to it.

In all the excitement Dan had disappeared, the warmth of the small room from the body heat of everyone in started to get to me so I went into the kitchen to get another beer. The kitchen was much cooler than the other room, the only other people in it were three guys playing cards at the table.

Occasionally one of them would let out a 'whoop' while the others threw their cards on the table in frustration. It wasn't clear what game they were playing but considering the amount of beer cans and empty cups around them, they probably weren't sure either.

Joey came into the kitchen with Dan and another friend of ours Jack, I nodded to them and Joey poured out vodka into eight shot glasses and laid out two for each of us.

Without much thought, the four of threw back one shot, then the other. I felt it burn down my throat and let out a sigh.

"You coming outside for a smoke, Rob?" Joey asked me, wiping his mouth with his long sleeve.

I wasn't sure what to do, usually I'd take another swig of my beer and join them, but I knew that that was a terrible idea. With Olympia not here I had no distractions, I shook my head and they went outside without me, they seemed confused but didn't say anything.

Through the window I could see them all lighting up, created a little cloud around the three of them that floated up into the dark sky. I could smell the smoke coming through the open doorway and every fibre of my body longed to join them.

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