t h i r t e e n

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She strolled into the jazz club, which had honestly become her second home over the past few months, and found her usual table.

The band was finishing up an instrumental song that easily spoke to her without the need for lyrics. But, of course, that was no surprise since the dark-skinned man who oozed musicality was leading the band on his saxophone.

  She watched as he swayed on the stage, his eyes closed, to the flow of the song and felt the electricity of every note he played. It was truly what he was born to do.

  When the song came to an end, he caught her gaze and smiled. His band members retired to the back room while he made his way to her table, taking the seat across from her.

  "Hi," he said, resting his chin on his palm as he stared at her angelic beauty.

  "Hi," she said back, admiring his strong facial structure. A smile crawled onto both of their faces as they continued to gaze at each other.

  His smile widened into a grin. "Hi."

"You already said that," she chuckled.

"Just checking to see that you're really here and this isn't a dream. Or a simulation."

"I'm definitely here," she assured him, taking his hand in hers. As she peered at his bright smile, a thought came to mind. "Blue, how do you manage to be so happy every day? I've never seen you frown before."

He was moved by her question and leaned back in his seat, taking a shallow breath. "I actually had a bad day today, along with most days. Life is pretty rough working as a full-time musician."

"Really? You never seem to show it," she remarked; he nodded.

"My whole life I've always been the one that needed to wear a brave mask for my family. My brother has a disability, so he'd get bullied a lot, and I had stand up for him. My parents are too tenderhearted folks to do anything like that, even for themselves," he told her, a small smile forming on his lips at the mention of his family. He then looked back at her and shrugged. "I don't know, I guess I got used to pushing away my sadness for a while."

She nodded in understanding. "I get what you mean. It's not the same, but I've always had to be a different person around my parents too."

"Yeah," he murmured as they both became consumed in their thoughts for a minute. Snapping back to reality, he found her hands again and gently laced his fingers with hers. "But at least we don't have to do that with each other."

"Never," she agreed, their eyes twinkling with affection.

She hoped she was right.

A/N: kind of a shorter chapter than usual, but don't worry, i will be updating again soon!

i do hate how long it's taking me to complete this story probably as much you do. i am currently working on two novels right now, one being already published called "Emberblood" (check it out if you like fantasy), so i have been pretty distracted.

i'm establishing a routine now though, so hopefully you'll be seeing more regular updates. if i end up taking a while again, don't hesitate to comment and remind me to write!

hope you're all staying safe. see you in the next chapter.

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