Chapter 10: The Strange Knock at the Door

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Mickiyah and I wasted no time driving back to the spot where we used the Ouija Board. We got out of the car, scrambling to get the board out of her bag and back on the ground. We moved old rubbish out the way and placed the board down. I was shaking the whole time, looking behind me and to the sides. I wasn't quite sure what to do.

"How do we say goodbye?" I asked, looking at Mickiyah for answers. Her face seemed so emotionless. I couldn't tell what she was thinking about.

She placed her fingers on the planchette. "We're just going to say goodbye," she said.

The two of us placed our fingers down together. We moved a circle three times, however, I stopped at the last part. My heart started to speed up when I began thinking about my mother. "Wait," I hesitated. "Can I speak to my mother...please."

Mickiyah looked around one more time. "We shouldn't linger but..." she focused her gaze on the board. "Okay. Ask something."

It was clearly visible from the way my hands were shaking that I was severely nervous. I tried to keep as still as possible but I couldn't. So many things rushed through my mind and any questions I thought I had for my mother disappeared.

"Mom...are you here?" I asked it.

Right away the planchette moved to no. Mickiyah was about to say something but I asked another question.

"May I speak to my mother?"


"Why not?"

The planchette was basically pulling us to the no then moving back to the middle of the board.

"Who is this!" I had tears streaming down my face.


It stopped then moved again.

I warned you.You're freeing what was locked away.

"We need to say goodbye now," Mickiyah urged.

I didn't waste anytime. The two of us made three circles then said goodbye. We looked at each other for a good minute but something very terrifying happened. Something that drained any color in my body away. I could feel despair hit me like a brick to the face and I felt paralyzed. The planchette began to move slowly.

L I G H T S O F F, B E G I N.

"We need to go," I said. "Leave that here."

I grabbed Mickiyah's hand and ran with her towards the car. We got inside, started up the car but when we looked back. We saw them and they were wearing normal clothes and looked very well...alive.

Two human figures clear as day. A man and a woman.

"No way," Mickiyah whispered while shaking her head. "It's the Harmons."

"No it's not," I said and drove away. I wish I could unsee it. There was no way! "We didn't see anything. Our eyes are playing tricks on us."

"Yeah, and the Ouija Board didn't spell out lights off, begin?" Mickiyah said. Her voice was shaky.

I couldn't blame her. I was scared out of my mind. To the point that I was unaware I was going 60 mph. I slowed down, realizing I didn't even have my license on me so if we got pulled over we'd be in trouble. That was the last thing I needed. "Fuck," I mumbled. I wasn't able to get this day out of my head. "We did something wrong. Very wrong."

"You think," Mickiyah looked at me. She was so afraid. I could tell. "What are they going to do? You'll think they'll come after us? The Harmons?"

"We're-we're not sure it's them..."

"Come on Tori! We know what they look like. That's them! That was Mr. and Mrs. Harmon." She cried out.

"Then what do we do," I tried my best not to cry.

The two of us couldn't find the words. I didn't want to go back home alone so when we got to Mickiyah's house, I went inside with her. We closed the windows and locked all doors. I was so anxious and everything I did, I found myself looking around as if someone was watching me.

When we got to Mickiyah's room, I told her we needed to sit down and talk about this. "Look," I started. "I don't mean this in a bad way but something's definitely weird, Mickiyah. With you and this whole thing. You wanted to do this and now someone named Helena is warning us about YOU. Not just about what we unleashed but about you!"

Mickiyah stood up from her bed and let out a huge sigh. She paced back and fourth, placing fingers on her temple. "You won't understand. I didn't want this. I wanted to contact Emily. I wanted to know that there is more to this world and to know what she knew."

"But why? Look what we've got instead," I said as softly as I could.

Looking away from me, I saw her wipe some tears. "I wanted to know there's more to life, Tori. My parents. I wanted to know where they were so badly. I see them in dreams talking to me. I feel like I've been able to connect with them more and more and I felt so close...I will admit I took this too far. But I still feel like I'm so close to them. Every single night."

I couldn't find the words. What do you tell a grieving person? That they're wrong for trying to contact their loved ones. I couldn't say that. I'd be a hypocrite myself!

"I'm so sorry," I finally said. "I can't imagine how tough it is for you. But the Harmon's aren't good people. What did you possibly think would happen connecting to another world through them?"

She shook her head. "You wouldn't understand. You don't have the dreams that I do. You don't see the things I see. Or hear what I do when I'm asleep, Tori. Something led me here and I couldn't ignore it. I don't know who Helena is and why I'm such a warning. But she is and has been and I don't know why. Like I said...I didn't ask for this."

She was right. I didn't understand. I did my best to remember everything this so called Helena said. I needed to find out who she was and why she was warning us. It seemed we would get answers soon enough because as soon as I was about to get up and go, there was a very loud knock at Mickiyah's door...

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