41. The truth-2

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Sid's point of view

"He is alive." I said and looked at Preeti who is looking at me with shock. Her lips parted a little and eyes are holding the tears.


"What are you doing near the central jail and How do you know Jeffrey smith is alive? Sid I don't get anything. Start from the start." James said while cutting off Preeti in mid sentence.

I looked at Preeti and her eyes are holding the same confusion and questions. I know this is my time to reveal my side. Everyone has their own start to tell and now it's my time to tell the story of my side.

I nodded my head and continue

"After reading the news of Anna's death in newspaper, I wasn't convinced that she was dead so I told you to investigate in this matter." I said looking at James.

"Yeah, you asked for CCTV footage of jail but before I could get it I found out the blackmailing." James said looking at me.

"Well we get it..and guess what we found inside it?" Nick said little dramatically.

"What..?" James narrowed his eyebrows in confusion.

"Anna was murdered by the same man who attacked on Preeti on dark street that night and tried to kidnapped her with his friends." I said looking at James and then my eyes met with Preeti. Heavily rain was pouring outside and thunder is growling in anger.

She was looking tired and exhausted and ready to go bed but she wanted to be here and trying her best to ignore her body's request. She had done things for me which I never expect from her. She surprised me with her bravery and even risk her life to save me, to alert me. I never thought my innocent wife could become a 'Jhansi Ki Rani' when it comes to me. But how could she think that I will hate her. It wasn't her fault. She is a savier, Savier of my life, not any killer. she is my love and my love for her increases day by day.

No one have ever risked their life to save me and she had done it two times. First to risk her life to alert me for the possible attack and second she broke into my office, my cabin precisely in my cabin which was not less than a suicide attempt.

My eyes fell on her neck. It was covered with love bite which I had given her before and she was trying to hide them by covering them with her dupatta. After long time we both spend some beautiful moments with each other but before we could explore this night more, James and Keerti arrived.

"It means, it was planned." I came out of my thoughts when she asked me.

I nodded my head and said looking into her beautiful chocolaty brown eyes which was filled with unshade tears, "Not just that, all attacks on you and me was all planned. They wanted to kill one of us or atleast separate us."

"Then what you did?" I turn to Pulkit jiju when he asked me. I almost forget that we have family around which was witnessing our confessions and our messed of life.

"After watching the CCTV footage I went to central jail without telling anyone to meet the same guy who killed Anna. It wasn't easy to get things out from him. It took me almost two weeks to get some information from him." I said.

"What he said?" Shivani di asked me who was standing beside Preeti and was comforting her.

"He told me that someone is taking revenge on me and she will go to any extend to separate Preeti from me, probably killing her. So I deliberately fought with Preeti to save her. She was much safe here than with me in New York. I can't be with her until I sort out everything."

Before I continue further Preeti interrupted me.

"So you fought with me deliberately and letting me go easily just to save me."

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