Part 1

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The sound of gunshots echoes down the empty alleyway behind me. I can hardly stand as I lean up against the cool brick of a nearby building, panting from running so fast. It's becoming harder and harder to breathe. Each breath I take gets caught in my throat.

My chest burns. It feels as though it's going to cave in at any moment. My heart is racing so fast. Each beat is pounding violently against my chest wall. Almost as though it is going to burst out of it at any second. The echo from my heartbeat is ringing loudly in my ears. I can't even think straight.

My head is spinning so fast. I'm becoming dizzy. Nothing appears to be making any sense to me. I keep trying to replay the events of tonight in my mind.

"This can't be real. It has to be some sick nightmare that I'm stuck in," I mumble to myself.

I can barely see anything at all. There is so much sweat pouring down my forehead, dripping straight into my eyes.

Trying to think fast, I use the sleeve of my torn, dirty sweatshirt to wipe my eyes. It helps a little, but not much. They're still burning as I squint, attempting to read the flashing neon green sign in front of me. "Ollies Billiards."

The lights are making my head hurt worse. Even with closing my eyes, the light is still visible.

I'm so exhausted, mentally and physically. These last few hours have been hell. A shiver runs through my body as I recall certain memories of the evening.

"Okay Bex, you got this," I mentally remind myself.

I'm able to piece together a map in my mind from memory. With this, I can figure out that I'm on Elm Street, only four blocks away from where this nightmare started. But eight blocks away from my house.

My legs are so weak. I can feel them trying to give out from under me. Before I even have time to react, my body collapses backward into the building. A new burning pain erupts in my shoulder, as the brick tears through my clothing into my flesh.

This was the motivation I needed.

The building acts as a support. I'm able to thrust myself forward back into a standing position.

With each movement, the pain on my right side is unbearable. The pain is causing me to clench my teeth so tightly that I'm scared they might break. My right-hand clutches right under my ribcage.

Fresh blood oozes out from between my fingers. Older dark red blood has already stained the entire front of my sweatshirt. It covers my whole abdomen, from my breast down to my thighs. As the blood continues seeping down, I watch, almost mesmerized. It trickles over my fingers, in an instant dying them red.

A fresh wave of nausea overcomes me. The rusty smell of old stale blood mixed with the metallic scent coming from my fresh blood is too much to handle. I can't ignore the giant lump forcing its way up my throat. Without warning, I begin vomiting. The sound of it sploshing against the pavement is sickening.

After several minutes of continuous dry heaving, my body has had enough. The pain that I have been experiencing is now even more excruciating. It resembles an intense burning sensation. Almost like my entire body is on fire burning from the inside out.

I'm scared to lift my shirt and see the wound. I keep praying that it isn't as bad as it feels.

A loud noise from behind startles me. My whole body is trembling as I peer around the corner of my current hiding place. Stray bullets are ricocheting off of the nearby buildings.

Somewhere in the distance, I can hear the wailing of cop sirens. The sound gets closer with each second that passes. They're coming from all different directions, surrounding me.

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