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All three of us are dressed and ready to go by six o'clock that evening. Of course, Skylar looks the best out of all three of us. Dressed in a pair of tight black high-waisted denims. They help to showcase her perfect hourglass curves. A blood-red sweater halter top keeps her large breasts secure. She looks good in all black, but the color red looks amazing on her.

Especially with the hairstyle she opted for. Two braided pigtail knots sit perched on the top of her head.

Sam, chose to go the opposite with a pair of light bell-bottomed denims. She probably could have gone up a few sizes bigger. She spent five minutes rolling around on Sky's bed, attempting to suck in enough to button them.

She decided on an oversized white sweatshirt that hung down mid-thigh. In my opinion, it makes her resemble a giant onion.

Her blonde hair, thin and scraggly, is styled into a tight, gelled-back ponytail. Which causes her beady little eyes to pop out more, somewhat like a bat.

I chose to go simple. Wearing a pair of black yoga pants and a teal long-sleeved sweatshirt. I had attempted to style my hair, but in the end, my curls won. This resulted in them hanging down, loose and free, surrounding my face.

I'm relieved that the temperature is dropping. I doubt that my legs could have survived another night in a skirt. They almost froze to death the last time we went out.I know for a fact my feet are thankful to be in boots rather than heels.

There's already a massive swarm of people when we arrive. Way more people have come out tonight versus the last bonfire we came to. Over half of the school must be here.

I try to ignore the building butterflies in my stomach. Vast crowds have never been my strong suit. The fewer people around, the better it is for me and my nerves. We must be early. They haven't even lit the fire yet. An enormous pile of wood is sitting there waiting to get turned to ash.

I've learned this is a every Saturday night thing to do around here in the fall. We never did things like this back at home. Well, at least I don't think we did. If they did, I was always too high to know about it. Besides, I wouldn't have wanted to take part, anyway.

I scan the faces of the crowd, spotting a couple of familiar ones from class. A few of them who I know their names, but that's about it. I don't make an effort to meet new people. I mainly stay to myself. It's how I've always been. The quiet one who never speaks unless spoken to.

They choose a spot farther down, closer to the tree line. Sam helps Sky lay out the giant fuzzy black blanket we had brought so that we can sit down. I make a point to sit in the seat that is the farthest distance from Sam. After about ten minutes of listening to Sam talk about the guys that throw themselves at her I'm ready to scream. Thankfully, Hope and a short brown-haired boy join us stopping the conversation.

The boy is kind of cute in a little nerdy way. He has a round baby face with several patches of peach fuzz here and there. His brown eyes are hidden behind a pair of thick black square box-style glasses. They stand out in contrast to his whitish-blonde wavy hair. I can tell by looking at him he seems pretty shy.

"Hi, I'm Bex, Skylar's roommate," I introduce myself, holding my hand out to him. He takes a moment to look at me, sizing me up. Before slowly extending his hand towards me.

"Hey, I'm Ben. Hope's cousin, it's nice to meet you," he smiles, letting go of my hand.

As the sun sets, more people begin to appear. Pretty soon, there are barely any spots available.Surprisingly, it doesn't take them long to get the giant fire up and going. Last time I missed out on the fire completely.My mind wanders off to my trip into the woods with Hayden. Thinking about it makes me smile.

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