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Kate's P.O.V

That guy!!! He was so arrogant, rude and obnoxious!! I wanted to punch his face so hard but somehow I controlled myself. He was the damn owner of that store. If he wouldn't have I would have that barbie doll. And he would be in hospital as his face would have been all disoriented by my punch. Ughhhhh!!

I was reading a book when Liam entered my room.

"Guess what?" Liam sat beside me with a huge grin on his face.

"Eva said yes to be your girlfriend?" I asked.

"How did you know little one?" He asked confused.

"You see I'm not that little anymore and I know only Eva can bring this much smile to your face." I smiled.

"Gosh! Yeah! I love you so much Kate. What would I do without you?" He hugged me.

"I love you big bro."

Ethan's P.O.V

"Where are you guys?" I called for my family.

"In the dining room Ethan." I heard my mom's voice.

When I went over to the dining area, my mom and dad, Aiden and Christina were sitting.

"Hello everyone."

"My son. I missed you so much." My mom hugged me.

"Missed you too mom. How are you?"

"I am very good now that you're here."

I smiled at her. Though Aiden and I are all grown ups, she still thinks of us as babies.

"Dad how are you?" I hugged him.

"I'm good Ethan. Tell me how is the work going?"

Dad was just like me a full workaholic. After retirement he relaxed a bit. Then too he sometimes ask me if any deal needs his help.

"It's going good, just a little hectic." I smiled.

"That's good. It should be hectic." Dad patted my shoulder.

"Oh enough of work talks. Ethan sit now."
I nodded.

"Hey, how is my favourite sister in law doing? Need any help for the exhibition?"I hugged Christina.

"Ethan, I'm your only sister in law. And I'm very good.  And yes I was about to call you for this. Actually I need the best PR manager. My manager is on her maternity leave. Aiden's is busy with his work. So can you please do something about it?"

"Of course. Right now we don't have any product launch so why don't you go with my PR? I can assure you they will prove to be the best."

"That's awesome. Do send them to my office tomorrow!"

"Sure thing." I said.

"Thanks Ethan." Christina hugged me.

"Oh come on Christie." I smiled at her.
Christina and I were friends even before she started dating Aiden.

"Where are my niece and nephew?" I asked Aiden.

"They are coming. Mia, Michael!" He called for them.

There came my cuties, Mia and Michael.

"Uncle Ethan! Uncle Ethan!" They said in unison.

"Hello my cuties. How are you?" I sat down at their level and gave them kisses on cheek.

"I'm good." Michael answered like a good boy.

"I'm not good as you didn't visit us in a long time." Mia answered.

See I told you they are polar opposites!

"Well Mia I don't know what will I do with this barbie set, since you're mad at me. You would not want it right?" I said showing confusion on my face.

"Really? You bought me a barbie!!" She asked with full excitement.


"Yes!" I gave her the barbie.

"Thanks Uncle Ethan. I love you." She hugged me.

"I love you too sweetheart."

"Hey buddy don't you want your car?" I asked Michael who was silent all this time.

"You bought me a remote control car!!" His eyes sparkled.

"Yes buddy. Here it is." I gave him the car.

"Thanks Uncle Ethan. Love you." He gave a kiss on my cheek.

"Love you too buddy."

Both of them hurried to their room to open up their gifts.

"You're spoiling them way too much Ethan. Every time you come it's not necessary to bring them gifts." Christina complained.

"Don't you worry. They are my niece and nephews. I love them."

"Okay. Fine. As you say. Next time they demand any stupid things I'm sending them to you." Christina said.

"I would love it." I chuckled.


Kate's P.O.V

"You know what Liam he was the most rude person I have ever met in my life, seriously." I said.

I told him the whole richie guy story.

"I know these type of men exists." Liam scoffed.

"He was so full of himself." I nodded my head.

"Well you seemed to be very much fascinated by him." Liam teased.

"Oh shut up. I pray I never meet him again." I spat.

"Sweetheart never say never."

"Liam!!!!!" I threw a pillow at him.

Hey peeps. Hope you like this chapter.

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Kindly check my other books "Arranged to Love ❤️", "Mafia's Chef" and "Superstar's Love"



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