Part Three: Yukio

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The bottle stops. Swallowing hard, you look up to see who it has chosen. Eyes widening, Yukio blushes as you look at him. Adjusting his glasses, he hesitantly stands from his seat. He smiles sweetly.
"Shall we?" He gestures towards the supply closet in the corner of the cafeteria. Nodding, you follow him. Your class mates mumble excitedly amongst themselves as you shut the door behind you.
"Seven starts now!" Shima shouts over.

Fiddling with the rim of his glasses. Yukio leans against the furthest wall. You chuckle quietly to yourself.
"Are you okay?" You ask. "You seem nervous." He clears his throat, straightening his back. Quickly, he nods. Taking a cautious step towards him, you reach out. Gently, you intertwine your fingers with his. Pulling him slightly, you bring him closer to you.
"What do you want to do then?" You whisper, leaning closer to him.

His hands become clammy and his breathing becomes erratic.
"Would you mind if I kissed you?" In an uneven voice, he whispers.
"I was hoping you'd say that." Smiling, you look up at him. Slowly, he leans down and places a gentle kiss upon your lips. Letting go of his hands, you wrap your arms around his neck. Warm hands rest against the small of your back. As the kiss deepens, he relaxes against you. His fingers dance against your back, moving into your hair.

Leaning his forehead against yours, he breathes heavily.
"Was that alright?" He mutters. Smiling, your noses touch. You nod.
"Can I try it again?" Closing your eyes, you lean up and close the space between you. Kissing him tenderly, your fingers move into his hair. Pulling you against himself, he kisses you harder. You smile into the kiss.

There is a heavy knock at the door before it is flung open. Your lips leave his. Sighing in disappointment, you turn to see Rin standing in the door way. Mouth hanging open, he stares at his brother.
"Time's u-up." He stutters. Giggling, you leave the room as you hear the brothers whispering to each other.
"Didn't think you'd actually do anything!" Rin mutters. "Knew you liked her though." He giggles.
"Shut up!" Yukio hisses.
As he joins you, he wraps an arm around your waist and pulls you close. Blushing, you lean against him as your classmates whistle and cheer.

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