Chapter 4

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So I've got to say, my afternoon or whatever with Aurora and Atlas was awesome. We watched movies and ate junk food, even though their type of junk food is healthy, it's still junk food.

We even watched some Earth movies, ranging from Romcoms to Action movies. I had to obviously explain something's but after a bit of explaining, they for the hang of it.

So they have a television of sorts that can retrieve information from far away, which is what made it possible for us to retrieve Earth Movies, but it was worth it because they actually enjoyed them.

We were now lounging on the couches, doing absolutely nothing.

That's when a robotic voice filled the room," Lieutenant Bright is at the door."

"It seems my older brother is here for his beloved." Said Atlas as he got off the couch and walked to the door. Swiping the scanner, the door opened to Axel in all his perfect glory.

That man is always standing upright, with his hands behind his back, I wonder how he keeps that stature up all the time.

"Everything alright? You look tired." Said Atlas as they made their way to us.

"Yes, we just had a few complications, but they are tended to and rectified," He explained," My apologies for taking so long."

"It's alright, besides we're family so trust me when I say we enjoy each other's company." Smiled Aurora.

Looking at him, Atlas is right. Axel's posture is not a give away but his eyes are just saying, exhaustion.

"We can leave now if you want." I said, feeling sympathy for the tired man.

"If you would like to." He answered me as he looked down at me on the couch.

Giving him a nod, I got up and gave Aurora and Atlas hugs before standing next to Axel's tall stature, which never fails to emphasise my short height and small stature.

"Thanks for letting me stay here with you guys, I enjoyed myself more than I have in a while." I smiled in gratitude.

"We enjoyed having you around, besides you exposed us to fun Earth movies, we have to have another movie day soon." Squealed Aurora excitedly.

"You're always welcome here, so please don't hesitate to leave my brother for us. We will always welcome you here with open arms." Smirked Atlas.

Axel kept quiet throughout the whole exchange. Something I've noticed is that Axel is a man of few words, he seems to avoid talking as much as possible, or maybe it's just his personality.

Axel and I walked to the door with Atlas who opened the door for us, with a wave we walked out and walked down the hall to Axel's room.

When we got to the door, Axel scanned his wrist band that I only just noticed now, opening the doors for us.

He waited for me to enter before entering.

That's when something came to my mind so I turned to him and asked," Axel, does your kind ever sleep?"

"Yes we do." He answered, looking at me questioningly.

"Then when do you sleep? Ever since I've been here, I haven't seen you take a nap or anything." I said.

"Beloved, I barely sleep." He answered as if it was no big deal.

"But you must sleep." I chastised glaring at him.

"Will that please you?" He asked, slightly cocking his head to the side.

"Yes, it will." I beamed at him.

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