Chapter 21

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A/N: Sorry it's be a long few months with nothing but dead-end attempts to write. But with endless support and love from booklored, positive praise and encouragement from Allison_Hei, and an uplifting message that resonated me from immaql8, I could finally get this chapter up. 

So here's a little bit of cute and spicy from me and the boys as a heartfelt thanks. <3 

Side note: It's not edited yet. I just needed to smash it out and post. I promise I'll edit it thoroughly later! 

The school Principal cracked down on Wednesday's drama quickly.

It was my first Monday back at school since medical leave and the classes were already actively pushed into participating with setting up anti-bullying campaigns. Staunch guys across the year levels like Trey and Ben were assigned tasks of carrying boxes from the delivery truck and putting them in storage. I hadn't seen much of Charlie this morning, but I think he'd volunteered to help put flyers around the school together with Ikeisha.

As for me? Despite insisting I'm fine enough to help, I'd been put on messenger duty and reporting progress back and forth to teachers and participating students. It was chill so I could just go wherever I wanted without being questioned, but it got boring quickly since I had to leave my phone behind. I wanted to hang out more with Charlie.

Those few days off school with him were fun.

Uncle Tom called my name, making me turn back to face him. He stood beside a vaguely familiar guy with tight yellowy-blonde curls over excessive regrowth. He looked like early Justin Timberlake with packet noodle hair. "Can you take Jesse over to Charlie and Ikeisha for me? I'm off to library duty."

I stared at the guy, wondering why he felt familiar before recognizing him as one of the groupies who held Charlie down during Wednesday's fight. He had a strange look in his eyes that didn't falter for even a second. For whatever reason, I felt uneasy, but I couldn't exactly deny the request.

"Aubrey?" Tom repeated.

"Oh, ah..." It wasn't exactly like I could decline. "Sure."

A greasy smile spread across Jesse's face. He wouldn't be the worst looking person on the planet if he didn't make me feel so uneasy, but since he did, he just looked... gross. Jesse came to my side before smiling back at Tom.

"Thanks, Mr. Hardy," he said.

"No worries. I know it's not easy being the new kid. Oh, Aubrey, just quickly," he said before we started walking off, "stop at the storage shed on the way and get the guys to take a few more boxes to the courtyard. They're probably running low by now."

"Will do."

We walked quietly down the hall until the tension almost chilled me to the bones. Luckily, we weren't far from the storage shed, and I burst inside before I froze to death. What I didn't expect was to find Ben pinned against the wall, never mind Trey being the one holding him there. They both froze, evidently caught off-guard by the sudden intrusion. "Um, sorry. I didn't mean-"

Trey shoved Ben then turned to face me, knowing exactly what I was going to say. "You didn't disrupt anything."

"What happened?" I signed to him.

"I'll tell you later," he signed back, but I sensed how frustrated he was. It was a very signature look for Trey when his jaw clenched, and his posture stood rigid. Some people found him intimidating, and judging by how flustered Ben looked, I'd say he was one of them. Trey stormed past me and carelessly knocked into Jesse as he passed, while Ben regained some composure and patted himself down.

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