CH. 71 to 75

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[Chapter 71]

A mild warmth wrapped itself around me just as I was.

[Rose]: ".....Nn"

I don't feel like getting up yet, so I snuggled closer into that warmth. I brushed up against something solid when I did, but it still feels good, so I didn't think about it much.

*Hehehe* but then I heard someone laughing right above my head, so I forced open my eyes.

[Rose]: ".......huh?"

And there was El, brushing his hand against my head while hugging me close to him.

My still half asleep head frantically spun around trying to find some clue as to why I'm currently lying down in the same bed as El. I tried jumping out of bed at the same time, but El's hold on me was so strong I couldn't get away.

[Rose]: "Fue!? E-El!?"

[El]: "Morning Rose. Are you feeling okay? Are you hurt or sore anywhere?"

[Rose]: "M-Morning? that's not, why is El..... Hm? I thought..... I was kidnapped..... Hah!! Where's Anna!? Is Anna safe!?"

[El]: "Calm down Rose. Your maid is safe and sound and sleeping right now just like you were. I need to let everyone know that you woke up. I should call the doctor too while I'm at it. For now, just lie down and rest."

Giving my head one final pat, El crawled out of bed and left the room.

(Hah~ That was so nerve-wracking! What was up with that!? First thing I see when I wake up and it's a handsome guy. My heart.....)

[Rose]: "I'm, really home..... Good, really, thank god......."

Taking a second look around my room, I let the knowledge that I had really come back home safely slowly sink in.

My door was suddenly and vigorously thrown open with Mother, Father, and everyone else stumbling inside like an avalanche.

[Father]: "Rose! You're awake."

[Mother]: "Ah, I'm so, so happy you're safe."

Tears pooled around the edges of Mother and Father's eyes as they rushed over to hug me.

[Rickert]: "Rose-chan, thank goodness."

Rickert-oniisama stood off to the side having already started crying.

[Grandpa]: "Rose, are you sure you're not hurt anywhere?"

[Grandma]: "Is it painful to move?"

My always lively grandpa was choked up with worry while Grandma's face was strained and warped.

[Rose]: ".....S-Sorry to worry everyone. But I'm okay now. And no there's nothing that hurts or feels broken."

It might be wrong of me, but to be honest, seeing everyone worry like this warms my heart just a bit.
After losing my previous life saving a cat, was there anyone out there who had have mourned me? It's hard to imagine. I can't even say for sure if Erika, the only person I ever considered a friend back then, would have cried for me.

There are a few people I used to go to school with who might miss me, and there were a couple of people at work I got along with well enough. I think. But, if you're asking me if there was anyone who would worry about me to the point where they'd start crying about it, I'd have to say no.

It's why I'm so happy I'm allowed to live another life here.

[Rose]: "......Thank you, very much......"

Given That I've Become a Villainess, I'd Like to Live FreelyDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora