2. A Yandere Is Born.

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Oyama Yamada had no reason to be standing on the front pathway of the school. Absolutely no reason at all. He didn't have any friends that he was waiting to meet up with, he wasn't trying to skip his first class that was only minutes away from starting, he was just standing there because it was the most plot convenient place for the author to put him to meet Y/N.

Oyama was caught completely off guard when someone crashed into him, knocking him to the ground. He landed roughly, arms splayed out behind him to catch his fall. It didn't upset him, he had never really felt emotions about anything, and this situation was no different.

He looked up with his cold graey eyes at the person who had crashed into him and felt all the air leave his lungs as though some invisible person had just kicked him in the stomach. She was wearing the generic school girl uniform and with her H/C hair and E/C eyes she was decidedly plain and unremarkable, but Oyama found something about her so enchantingly gorgeous that he was unable to look away.

His hands tingled like the had lost a critical amount of blood flow and were covered in pins and needles as the radiant girl took his hands in hers as she helped him get to his feet. Oyama was only vaguely aware that she was speaking, too enthralled by his sudden, overwhelming affection for her to catch any of her words except for one; Y/N.

Y/N... Oyama thought, his mind fuzzy and his body frozen as he watched the beguiling vanilla schoolgirl wave back at him as she ran into the school building, taking his heart with her. Y/N her-her name is Y/N.

"So this is love," he said dreamily, as sparkles, glitter, and hearts appeared in his eyes. It was actually quite a common occurrence, which was good because if it wasn't someone definitely would have called an ambulance after witnessing such kawaii abnormalities appear in the iris.

"Wow..." Oyama let out a shaky breath, his cheeks turning an even deeper shade of red. "Y/N, even though I know absolutely nothing about you, your personality, and our compatibility, I am in love with you. We've only had one minor interaction that you will forget by lunch because it's so insignificant, but I am going to treasure that memory for all time because the plot says so."

Oyama started spinning in happy circles, along the front path of forever blooming cherry blossom trees to the front doors of the school, planning to follow his treasured blossom around for the rest of the day. (Because it is way more logical to follow your newly discovered soulmate from the shadows for months, slowly picking off her friends and family until she is nothing more than a broken husk, then to just walk up to her later in the day and say hi.)

. . .

Y/N somehow managed to reach her classroom before the bell stopped ringing. She was able to accomplish this chronological impossibility by being blasted at the speed of light by something known only as 'protagonist armor.'

"Sorry, I'm late," Y/N said bashfully as she closed the door to the second year classroom behind her. No one paid her nearly late arrival any mind. The teacher had her middle-aged nose buried in the pages of what looked like a cliche reader-insert romance novel and hadn't even noticed that class was supposed to have started.

Wow, you would have to be pretty desperate for affection to be willing to read a reader-insert to try and experience love, Y/N thought with a small scoff. I would never do something like that.

"Y/N! Y/N, come sit next to me!" A chipper voice called from the far side of the class.

Y/N turned to see her friend, Emi Kaneko, waving her down energetically. She had cobalt blue hair cut in a bob, and hot pink irises. She didn't wear contacts or dye her hair, it was their natural color. Emi wasn't the only student at their generic school with a hair color that could have been a popular slushy flavor, Y/N's classmates had all sorts of interesting hair colors, like yellow, pink, and even green.

Sometimes Y/N was a bit jealous, wishing that she could have had a more interesting hair color than H/C, but it was what it was, (although she would sometimes blame her lack of a boyfriend on that fact.) Nevertheless, she loved her friend Emi dearly, even if she did sometimes wish they could swap haircolors.

"How's your summer been Y/N," Emi asked, giving her friend a closed-eyed smile.

"Why are you asking? You came over to visit me only last week," Y/N teased as she took the window seat next to her friend. She was drawn to sit there by divine provenance. All protagonists sit by the window, it is a law of the universe.

"Oh, sorry, I forgot about that," Emi said, laughing awkwardly. Y/N laughed along, knowing that her friend was quite an airhead when it came to anything other than boys.

"Settle down class," the middle-aged teacher called as she finally realized that homeroom was supposed to have started fifteen minutes ago.

Y/N and Emi giggled briefly about this before turning their attention to the woman teaching at the front of the classroom. All throughout the lesson, Y/N had a prickling feeling on the back of her neck like she was being watched. She looked around but didn't see anyone looking at her, obviously. What was I thinking? Of course, no one's watching me, Y/N thought, shaking her head. I'm not some generic romance anime heroine, I eat butter and jam on my toast.

. . .

Beautiful... Radiant... Splendid... Lovely... Stunning... Oyama thought as he watched Y/N dreamily. He could stay like that, watching her, forever.

No one had noticed him pressing his face against the glass windowpane a few inches away from Y/N's desk, not that he would have cared. All that mattered to him was maintaining constant proximity to his treasured blossom.

Although it was probably for the best, that plot convenience kept everyone in the classroom from noticing Oyama. The sight of a schoolboy creeping on a generic schoolgirl from outside a second-story window would be quite frightening to the class.


So there's the second chapter. If you couldn't tell, there isn't much to this book as far as plot, and it isn't going to be particularly long, but I hope that you can enjoy the comedy of it just the same.

Until next time, I'll see you on the other side

~J. C. Coltt.~

My Treasured Blossom [Classic Yandere Boy x Female Reader]Where stories live. Discover now