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Jon's POV

She grabbed the keys from me and stormed out of the store. I can't even imagine how frustrating this is going to be for her. With a stain of that size, I'm pretty sure it was big enough to be noticed. I don't wanna keep Emma waiting so I quickly get to the cart and head towards the cash counter.

"Where is Emma?" Liam asks apprehensively.

"She isn't feeling well, buddy. She's resting in my car."

"Ohh is she okay?" He looks like as if someone punched him in the gut and stole his candy. This kid does care a lot about Emma. He probably sees his mom in her since she treats him just like her own child.

"Hey don't worry about her. She'll be fine. How about we go buy some ice cream huh?" I ask trying to divert his attention, either way , Emmy would like to have some ice cream too.

I buy some pads, hot bag and loads of chocolates. I wanna make this as easy as possible for her. Emma, being the shy girl she is, wouldn't even wanna talk about this.

Once I'm done with my part of the shopping, I pay for all of it and head outside. I push the cart towards my car and start loading the things into the deck. I lift Liam off of the cart and he rushes to Emma's side.

"Emma are you okay? Uncle Jon said you're not feeling good." He asks apprehensively.

"I'm good baby" Emma smiles, sniffling.

"Get in buddy" I say patting his back towards the car.

There was an awkward silence throughout the ride, along with Emmy's occasional sniffling. I can see her shifting uncomfortably every ten seconds.

"Emmy relax, we're almost there. Don't fret sweetheart."

"I don't wanna ruin your car seat. For all I know there might be a stain on your seat too." She says her face turning a dark shade of red out of embarrassment.

"Then I will clean it Emma." I say through gritted teeth.
"I don't want you to be uncomfortable in my car."

As soon as I pull over her apartment, Emma rushes towards the door, but not before giving a quick glance at the car seat which by the way looks absolutely fine. Like I would let her fuss over a stupid car seat.

All throughout the ride there was pin drop silence, even with Liam in the car. I turn around to ensure that I actually got the kid into the car before leaving the store. To my relief, Liam fell fast asleep, drooling all over my car seat. Talk about ruining the car seat. I carry him to the couch and put a blanket over him so that he doesn't feel cold. I unload the things from my car and take them inside. It's past lunchtime, Emmy must be starving. I don't wanna burn her kitchen down yet, so I guess I'll just order something real quick. The doorbell rings and brings me out of my relentless thoughts. I give Liam one quick glance to ensure that he's still asleep before answering the door. I open the door to see Caitlyn, looking like a zombie with those heavy bags under her eyes and her hair in a complete mess.

"Woah Caitlyn are you alright?" I ask her opening the door wider for her to enter.

"Ohh don't even ask Jon. I don't think I've ever been this exhausted even when Liam was a baby. And trust me, baby Liam was a nasty demon trapped in an infant's body. Everything was just so stressful for the last couple of days."

"I hope your mom is doing better now."

"Oh she is much better now by God's grace. Where's my boy?" She asks looking around the living room in search of Liam.

"He fell asleep on our ride from the grocery store. So he's knocked out on the couch." I say with a chuckle.

"Oh my poor baby. Where's Emma? I don't see her anywhere." She says while lifting Liam and placing him on her hip.

"She's in her room right now....." I stutter not knowing how to explain the situation.

"Well, I would've waited a little longer to see her, but I'm really exhausted. I just wanna go home and sleep. So I'll see her on Monday at work. Please thank Emma from my side for taking care of Liam. He can be a handful sometimes." She says as she takes Liam's Spider-Man backpack from the side of the couch, heading towards the door.

"I'll see you later" She gently places Liam in the backseat and proceeds her way towards the driver's seat.

"Bye" I wave to her as she drives away.

Well, finally the alone time has arrived.

"Jon?" A timid voice causes me to turn around and see my beautiful cupcake in her typical comfy attire which consists of a very large t-shirt and an extremely loose pair of pajama pants. She looks like a walking teddy bear. 

"Hey....Caitlyn just dropped by to pick Liam up. She was really tired so she didn't wait up for you."

"Ohh that's alright. I'll catch up with her on Monday. Are you hungry? I can whip something up for you." She opens the kitchen cabinets to get the items for cooking.

"Uh I was thinking if we could order something for now. I know you're exhausted, I don't want you to tire yourself. You did have a rough day today." I rub her back in a soothing manner. She lets out a quiet moan and leans her head on my chest. Her hands still holding the cooking items from the cabinet. Now...........what the actual fuck was that? Why would she moan for that? Did I turn her on?

"A-are you okay?" I ask as I take the items from her grasp and place them on the kitchen counter. Her hands find their way on my chest, right where my heart is, beating faster with the current proximity. I place my hands on her voluptuous waist, balancing her. My question had seemed to bring her back into reality. She looks at me with wide eyes, her cheeks blushing like crazy.

"Uh uhm yeah. I-I just......I'm just having horrible cramps and it felt really good when you rubbed my back." She says softly, completely embarrassed with the situation we are having right now. I am just so bothered by the fact that Emmy does not feel comfortable around me to share her personal problems. Well, maybe girls are not used to sharing their period problems with their guy friends but I am not her freaking friend! At least that's what I like to believe.

"As I said Emmy, I'll order something. You take rest." I say while kissing her forehead.

"I just don't know how do I thank you Jon. You've done so much for me and I have nothing to return the favour."

"Hey don't be stupid, I'm not doing this because I want something in return, I'm doing this because......"

"Because?" She looks at me with hopeful eyes. Once again, I find myself being sunk in the depth of those emerald green eyes. I feel completely hypnotized. Her wide eyes, plump lips and delicate hands resting on my chest, makes me say the one thing I've been dying to say for days.

"Because I love you Emma."

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