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This chapter may be triggering to some people. Please skip if you don't feel comfortable with graphic scenes. If you want, I'll give a short recap of what happened.

"What are your excuses now?" Elena's bored drawl made me wince. I bit my lip and tried to think of a valid excuse.

As expected, I came up with nothing.

"Well?" she prodded.

"I was busy...?" I tried.

I could almost hear her roll her eyes when she retorted, "So busy that you forgot you had a sister? For 4 months? Jeez, Abby. At least come up with something creative once; like you finally got a boyfriend or-"

"Actually," I interrupted, suddenly feeling bashful, "I did get a boyfriend."

She stayed silent long enough to make me feel uncomfortable, "Um, Lena? You good?"

Then she burst.

"What? When? How? How could you not tell me?!" I had to hold the phone away from my ear, so as to not damage my hearing, "Oh my God, you're finally doing something with your life and not being a boring old fart-"

"I feel so loved," I muttered sarcastically, but that went right over her head. She just wouldn't stop squealing. Even though it did annoy me, I couldn't deny that I didn't secretly enjoy it.

My sister and I had the same love-hate relationship every sibling had. When we were together, I couldn't stand her and vice versa. Every second with her was a struggle between my self control and the desire to just deck her. But when we were apart, it felt like I was missing a limb sometimes (but if course, I'll never tell that to that little shit.)

"Elena, shut up for once and let me talk," I said, unable to control the grin tugging on my lips, "So, it all started during a cold, rainy day..."

We talked for at least two hours, and I felt all my worries melt away from my shoulders. I was so occupied by my conversation with her that I didn't bother paying any attention to the other calls I got. Sure, I may not talk to my little sister all that much, but when I do, I'll be damn sure to give her my undivided attention.

"... I'm going to get into Yale, Abby, then I'm going to pursue law. I have to study just a little harder to get the perfect GPA. I-"

"Elena, honey," I deadpanned, "You are fifteen."

"Irrelevant. I am a fifteen-year-old with a vision. Any problem with that?"

I sighed. I was jealous of her, no doubt in that. Even though her plans were a little over the top, at least she had an idea of what she was going to do. Thinking about the fact that I was almost done with college and still haven't decided on my career made me feel so small next to her.

The worst part about that wasn't even the shame when people asked me what I was going to do with my life and believe me, that situation was horrible and humiliating as hell. No, the worst part was that I was disappointed by myself. And that I had no inspiration to push through this decision-making crisis or whatever this was supposed to be.

"No- ow! Wait for a second Lena," I turned to Sarah and gave her a disdainful glare. She was sitting on the edge of the bed and smiling like she didn't just kick me seconds ago. I punched her on the shoulder.

She kicked me back and dived for my phone, "Hello? Is this Elena?"

I arched an eyebrow in question. Sarah ignored me, "Hi, Abby's little sister! I'm so sorry, but I'm going to hang up now because your sister has not eaten breakfast and I cannot let her miss lunch too. Plus, I need a company to eat this pizza- yes Elena, I bought pizza for lunch."

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