chapter 14- canceled

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summer games - drake

"So I told Layla that I- Jack? Earth to Jack," I kicked him from the other side of the couch, "Are you even listening?"

"Huh? Yes. Something about Layla?" He quickly turned off his phone and stuffed it in his pocket. He picked up my foot and began to massage it.

"What were you even doing? You've been on your phone since you got here."

"Nothing, baby. Just checking the score to the game." Jack sat up and kissed my forehead before encouraging me to continue with my story.

We sat together, watching random TV shows for a couple more hours until my mom called us down for dinner. The whole time Jack stayed quiet unless someone spoke directly to him. That was super unusual. At certain times I would also see him look down at his phone that he was poorly hiding underneath the table.

While I was helping my mom wash the dishes, Jack came into the kitchen.

"Hey, Hope I'm gonna go. My mom wants me home." He was rubbing the back of his neck and slightly biting the side of his lip.

"Yeah... okay." I smiled at my mom and walked out with Jack to his car.

"I'll see you tomorrow?"

"Tomorrow?" He asked.

"Yeah, we made plans to go to the lake?"

"Oh, yeah. Yes." Jack pulled me in and gave me a hug before pressing a kiss to my cheek.

Something didn't feel right. Why was he being so standoffish?

I watched Jack reverse and speed down the driveway before turning around and walking back up the porch steps. My mom was sitting in a rocking chair with a glass of sweet tea, and she patted the chair next to her.

"What's wrong?" She asked.

"I don't know, Momma. Things just feel so different ever since the accident at the lake." I sighed and brushed my fingers through my hair.

"Hope." She scolded. My mom and I were close, and it was evident that something was not right.

"I really don't know. Jack's been spending so much time with Jaylin practicing for basketball, and he's been hanging out with other people as well. It just feels like our relationship has taken a back burner."

"I'm going to tell you something," she rocked back and forth and stared out into the night, "If you are worried about something, whether it is big or small, you need to talk to him."

"But what if it's something I don't want to hear? Or what if its nothing?"

"Baby, now listen to me; Close your eyes, and please understand that that you are still young, and the universe is endless, and somehow, everything will be okay. Even if what you are worried about is the worst news you've ever heard, it will still be okay. You've got to have a little faith." My mom softly smiled at me and squeezed my hand.

I didn't know what to say. The thought of something being wrong in Jack and I's relationship made me sick to my stomach. He was my whole world.

Without another word, I stood up from my chair and kissed my mom goodnight on the cheek. As I was going up the stairs, my phone vibrated.

'Hey, H.'  It was a message from Connor.

'Hi, C.'

'I miss you.' That made me smile. Connor could always make me smile.

'I miss you too.'

'Want to hang out tmr?'

'I can't :( '

'Ahh, big plans with your boo thang?' Boo thang? Good God, Connor.

'Not really. We're just going out to the lake.'

'Try not to break your nose this time.'

'I will.'

'Night, H.'

'Goodnight, Connor.'

I plugged my phone off and tried my hardest to go to sleep with all of the worries running through my mind.


The next morning, I was dressed and waiting for Jack to pick me up, but I hadn't heard from him since last night.

"Honey, I thought you and Jack were supposed to go to the lake today?" My mom came up behind me and kissed the top of my head.

"We are. I don't know where Jack is."

"Have you called him?"

"Yes. I've called and texted... multiple times."

"I'm sure he's just late, honey. Don't you worry." She squeezed my shoulders as if that would release the tension they carried.

I sighed and clicked on Jack's contact once again, hoping that this time he would answer.

"What?" Jack spat.



"Where are you, baby?" I bit my bottom lip as I waited in silence for him to answer.

"Oh, shit Hope. I-I'm going to have to reschedule." My stomach dropped. Jack had never canceled plans with me in the two years that we have been together.

"What?" I could hear shuffling in the background and what sounded like a girl's laugh.

"Yeah. I'm sorry Hope," the laughing got louder, "Listen, I gotta go."

"Love you too," I mumbled as the line went dead. What was happening? He knew that we were going, and I even reminded him last night.

Instead of wallowing in self-pity, I called one of the few people I knew would answer.


"H?" He questioned groggily. On the days where he didn't have to work on the farm, he always slept as late as he could, sometimes even into the afternoon.

"Want to go to the lake?"

"What happened to your plans with, Leigh?"

"He canceled last minute."

"He canceled, or he stood you up?"

"Either way, he's not fucking coming. So are you coming or not?" I grunted.

"Ouch," he laughed, "I'll be there in ten minutes." We said our goodbyes, and I went looking for my mom to tell her my change of plans.

"Hey, Momma. Connor's going to pick me up and take me to the lake."

"Jack's not coming?" Her eyebrows scrunched together in confusion, but a sly smile graced her lips.

"No, no. Something came up."

"Ah, I see. Well, have fun."

"I will." My hand was on the door handle when she shouted down the hall at me.

"Hope! Invite the boy to dinner!"

"Hope! Invite the boy to dinner!"

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