11 : Well, Hello.

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Tempest met up with Dean an hour later. They got into his truck and headed out. She knew he could smell the scent of the Lycans on her but he did not ask. He knew she would tell him when she wanted to.

Tempest had met Dean sixteen years ago. She had been following a clue that one of her informants had told her about and ended up in a nightclub. Despite the loud noise, smell of sweat and perfume, she had picked his scent up as soon as she had walked into the club. He had picked up hers as well and after looking around for a bit they had seen each other from across the dance floor. They had looked at each other for a long time, each sizing the other up, not knowing if the other was friend or foe. 

Finally, Tempest had walked up to the bar and Dean had come and sat down next to her. He was tall, easily a meter ninety eight, with broad shoulders and the rest of his being perfectly perfectly proportional to his height and breadth. His brown hair had framed a handsome face with green eyes and long lashes. His lips were full and firm and his nose was straight with slightly flared out nostrils. He was handsome and had a body that most men would kill for. She eyed him up and down and acknowledged his presence with a nod.

“Never seen you here before,” he said as he sat down beside her. He didn't need to speak loudly.
“Never been,” she had told him. “Nice club though.”

He had grimaced and shook his head. “Too loud.”

She gave a small chuckle and nodded. Her eyes drifted away from him and studied the layout of the club. There were stairs that led to a VIP section at the top. She could see some people at the top and she could identify her man from the description that had been given to her.

Werewolf. Rogue.

She ordered a drink and took a sip. She eyed the guy who was still staring at her and raised an eyebrow. 

“My name’s Dean,” he told her. 

She debated internally on whether or not to tell him her real name. Her were came to the surface and eyed him keenly. “Kin!” she thought and frowned. She had thought there were no others like her and her tribe. She could see he was studying her carefully as well. His were must have come to the same conclusion as hers because he seemed to have relaxed a little. He had not let his guard down but he was not as wound up as he had been before. 


She looked up and kept her eyes on the rogue as she took small sips of her drink. After about thirty minutes, the rogue came down the stairs, a lady on each arm. He headed out what seemed to be the back and pulled the ladies with him. It was time to move. Paying for her drink she stood up, only to notice that Dean had done the same. She glanced at him in confusion as he said bye and headed in the direction the rogue had gone. She could either follow him or try and cut them off from the front. Thinking quickly, she went to the front exit and ran around the club to get to the back. 

She realised she had made the right decision when she saw Dean chasing the rogue towards where she now stood. The ladies were cussing behind them and flipped the two men the bird as they raced away. The rogue had not seen her yet, which was good.

As he ran in her direction she waited until he was close before she got out of her hiding spot and stood in front of him. He baulked and seemed to want to go back before he remembered that there was another behind him. Perhaps he thought he could take on the woman, that his chances were better if he went towards her than headed back.

Either way, he ran on ahead, partially shifting as he realised that she too was a supernatural. As he was about to ram into her, she extended her hand and punched him so hard he flew backward and almost hit the rapidly approaching Dean. 

“Well, damn,” Dean said out loud, impressed. He quickly grabbed the fallen man by the jacket and pulled him to his feet. “Hello, Simon. I understand you have some information for me.”

Tempest frowned. It appeared Dean and her were after the same data she needed to look for her family. She decided to sit back and watch the show. 

“Bite me,” Simon said and Dean grinned, his were revealing itself in the change in his eyes. Dominance flew from Dean and washed over Simon. 

Well, well, Tempest thought. Another were of royal heritage.

“Tell me what you know about the people who took my family twenty years ago,” he ordered with a growl in his voice.

Simon started to shake as he tried to fight the command from the superior were. Dean allowed his fangs to extend and Tempest couldn't help the grin that settled on her face. She had not seen that in another of her kind in a really long time and it warmed her heart. Simon looked like waves of invisible fists were pounding down on him and not letting up. Finally, he spoke, his voice cracking as he tried to fight the command oozing from Dean’s voice.

"There are rumours of a group of ancients who have the power to stop all supernaturals. They apparently possess powers beyond normal humans. They are in league with certain supers and intend to cleanse the world of all those they consider to be threats soon."

"Why do you think they may be the ones who took my family?" Dean snarled.

"They are rumoured to be collecting the strongest warriors and intend to use them to fight against their own," Simon mumbled.

"Where do we find them?" Tempest asked.

Simon glared at her but he didn’t respond. Tempest felt the anger start simmering in her blood. She walked towards the two men and her eyes flashed as she glared at the man who looked like he was sitting underneath a building. Blood started to leak from his nose at the combined pressure of both weres. 

"I don't know, I swear," Simon whimpered. Tempest held her stare on him for a little longer, until the blood leaking from his nose became a torrent. She eased up and turned away, her anger not yet sated.

She heard Dean drop Simon to the ground before he walked up to her. 

"Let's get out of here," Dean said to her as he started walking away. She frowned. Why would he think she would go with him? As though reading her mind he turned and looked at her, a grim look on his face. "I think you and I are looking for the same people. It might be worth your while to join me."

"I think I have done alright by myself so far without you," she snorted as she walked past him.

"Yeah," he said softly. "But it sure gets lonely sometimes being alone."

That had stopped her short and she had turned to face him. She really looked at him this time and she felt the same vibe that she knew she too exuded. Technically they were both rogues, packless weres going through life alone. It was hard and it was painful and maybe he wasn't wrong.

She walked back toward him and stood right in front of him, barely reaching his chin. She studied him for a long time, the same way he was analysing her. When she and her were were ready, she offered him a lopsided smile that he returned. 

"Come. I always wanted a little brother," she told him as she walked away. She heard his snort and chuckled.

"Hardly little," she heard him mutter. " I was born in 1948." 

She laughed outright. "Like I said, I need a kid brother that I can bully around."

"Not bloody likely," he told her and she laughed outright. 

It felt good to laugh like that and she realised it had been quite a while since she had done that. 
"Let's go, kid. We have stuff to talk about."

2 October 2020

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