Chapter Twenty

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"Mum!" I was out of my seat in an instant. Tea splashed out of my cup as I thrust it onto the tea tray. Ignoring the startled exclamations that rang out, I ran across the room. I wrapped my arms around Mum's waist as she wrapped her arms around me. "You're safe!"

"Oh, my darling girl," Mum said, holding me tight. "I've been so worried about you."
I was so happy, tears welled up in my eyes. Mum didn't smell very well, but it didn't matter.

Someone coughed in the hallway. "Pardon me, ma'am," an unfamiliar voice said. "Can you allow us in?"

Us? I peered over Mum's shoulder. There was an unfamiliar man in a police uniform and beside him was... "Papa!" His face was bruised, and he looked just as dirty as Mum smelled, but he never looked better to me.

He moved around the inspector to join Mum and me. "Hello, dearest," he said, leaning to kiss my forehead. His mustache, unkempt as it was, tickled my forehead. "Are you all right?"

"Better now that I've seen you," I said honestly.

Mum finally let go of me to put her hands on my face. "There is so much we should have told you," she said. Her gaze shifted beyond me. "Wilhelm."

Of course Mum would be so familiar with a king. I turned, reaching my hand back. I was reassured when Papa grasped my fingers tightly. "Excuse me," the inspector said impatiently. "Mr. Holmes?"

"Do let the inspector in," Mr. Holmes requested, sounding amused. "He has had a rather difficult morning."

Mum and I shifted to the side and the inspector squeezed his way into the room. It was becoming crowded with so many people inside. There were not enough chairs for us all to sit. All of the men, save for Herr Meyer, were on their feet.

It was difficult to tell who was more shocked, King Wilhelm or Herr Meyer. "Irene!" the king exclaimed. "This are here!"

"So you see," Mum said, her tone cool. She studied him for just a moment, no doubt taking in his thick waist and the silver threads of gray hair in his blonde hair. She then shifted to the consulting detective in the room. "Mr. Holmes. We meet face-to-face at long last."

"Madame, it is a pleasure, despite the circumstances," Mr. Holmes said, offering a courtly bow. "Would you care to sit down so that we may discuss this comfortably? You have had a trying few weeks, I understand."

"Thank you, but only if Aida is next to me," Mum said, putting her arm around my shoulders. "I do not want her out of my sight."

"An understandable sentiment."

Mr. Holmes arranged three chairs together. Mum took one end, I sat in the middle, and then Papa was on my other side. Neither of my parents let go of my hands. "I found them just as you said I would, Mr. Holmes," Inspector Gregson said, his tone serious. "Tied up in the warehouse down by the Thames. I have three people in custody."

"Very good, inspector," Mr. Holmes said. "You didn't have too much trouble, did you?"

"They put up a good fight but nothing we couldn't handle," the inspector said with no little pride. "If there were more involved, we'll soon know it once we begin to question them."

Visibly, Mr. Ware flinched. "Thank you, Inspector," Mr. Holmes said again. He turned his attention to the king. "Your majesty, should we continue this conversation with the inspector with us or would you prefer a more private setting?"

"Privacy, Mr. Holmes," the king said quickly. "There has been a misunderstanding, it is clear. Such a thing does not require the assistance of the police. Not when there are more serious issues at hand."

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