3| Have I Ever Said I Hated You?

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"Spin me around, knock me off my feet, try to stay dry but you rain on me. You know, you can be my hurricane. Blow me away, pick me off the ground, try to stay dry but I just might drown. Honey, you can be my hurricane." —Midnight Cinema.

Chapter Theme Song: 'Hurricane' by Midnight Cinema.

Chapter Theme Song: 'Hurricane' by Midnight Cinema

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"Go fish!" Derrick laughs his face off, happy that for once in his life he's beating me at cards.

I roll my eyes and sling my unknotted tie over my shoulders, coiling a leg underneath me as I choose a single card from the deck.

"Do you happen to have a nine in your hand?" He smiles.

I scan my collection of cards that are facing away from him, and a devilish smirk rises at the corner of my mouth. "No. Go. Fish."

"Oh, bullocks!" He hisses and I laugh in victory as he gestures to the pack but stops to squint his eyes at me. "Are you lying right now?"


"Let me see!" He tries to grab my cards and I writhe away, sending him a frown.

"I don't have any nines, you fool! Go fish!"

"I hope you're not lying!" He makes a 'v' with his fingers, puts them to his eyes then points them at me. "I am watching you."

I chortle at the red diamond nine in my hand as he reaches for a card from the pack.

"She's lying, she has a diamond nine." Gabriella smiles as she casually passes behind me, flipping her strawberry-colored hair over her shoulders. I suck my teeth at her retreating figure.

"No one asked you."

"Hey, go easy on her." Derrick smiles. "You know I like her."

I fake vomit. It is no secret that he has a massive crush on Gabriella Payton, the entire school probably realizes that by now. Not sure what he sees in her, but men are weird when it comes to their choice of adoration sometimes.

She has an angular body and an oval-shaped face, with beady hazel eyes concealed by her glasses. Her grades are top-notched, causing her to consistently make an appearance on the honor roll every year. She's terribly conceited and nosy, never missing an opportunity to snitch on people. You know that kid at the back of the class who always has to remind the teacher about the homework? Yeah, that's her. She doesn't like me much, and she's doesn't even try to hide it.

"Kelly and Derrick, it's class time, please put that away." Our Advanced Math teacher, Ms. Carter, walks into the room, rolling her eyes to the back of her head at the stack of cards sitting on my desk.

Derrick swiftly gathers them in a pile while I uncoil my legs, fixing my plaid skirt properly over my thighs.

This is one of the classes I was supposed to take last year but ended up dropping as per the principal's advice, and so far, I am kind of flunking it.

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