Chapter 13.2

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Chapter 13.2
The room where the party was being held was just as extravagant as all of our outfits. There was a huge stage at the very back of the room. On it was a white grand piano. On either side of the room were two long tables that span across the room. They were lined with a white table cloth. At each place setting was a blue wine glass and gold-rimmed plates. In the center was a single red rose in a glass case. Candlelight lit up the room. It became very clear what their wedding theme was.

Jacqueline and Isaac headed to the main door to greet people when they came in. Guests started coming in shortly after. They were all dressed in formal wear. I didn't know anyone attending, aside from my own family, so I stayed close to Caleb. "Who are all these people?" I questioned him.

"Mostly family and friends of Mum and Dad,"

A small older lady approached us, "Caleb!" she pinched his cheeks.

I snickered internally, not wanting to appear rude. "Hola, Abuelita," he greeted.

"Esta es tu novia?" She questioned, which roughly translated to 'Is this your girlfriend?'.

Caleb scratched the back of his neck and in perfect Spanish replied that I was not, in fact, his girlfriend.

She scolded him for not making me his girlfriend as Caleb awkwardly remained silent.

Hmm, I guess three years of Spanish classes actually did teach me something.

"I didn't know you knew Spanish," I told Caleb after his grandmother had left.

He chuckled, "Well, I am Spanish, it's kind of important that I know Spanish,"

I pursed my lips. I probably should have put that together. And as if my foot wasn't already far enough in my mouth I continued, "So, why do you have a British accent?"

He smiled slightly, "I was born in England and we moved here when I was six. That's why Danny and I have an accent but Everly doesn't,"

I nodded, remaining quiet so as to not say anything else dumb. Apparently my mouth didn't get the memo because I continued to ask questions, "How long have you played soccer?"

"I played street soccer with Danny until I was eight, before Mum finally decided to put us on an actual team,"

"And that's how you met Chase and Evan?"

"Yeah, they introduced me to the rest of the guys as well,"

My eyes grew as another large group entered the room, "There are a lot of people," I stared at the numerous groups of people that continued shuffling into the room, totally forgetting about what we were talking about, "You mean we have to dance in front of that many people?,"

He took my hand, "You'll do great, don't worry,"

I did worry., Iin fact, I was worried all the way up until we had to perform. We had to go up in less than five minutes and I was fully panicking. Allyson, Natalie, and Vikki were desperately trying to calm me down. Caleb had gone to go talk to his mum.

"It'll be okay! You'll do great," Vikki reassured.

"It's going to go well," Allyson assured me.

They were all fanning me as I had a full mental breakdown, "I'm going to trip and fall, or forget the steps, or sneeze in the middle of it!" I panicked. I turned to Natalie, "Why would you volunteer me for this?" I continued to hyperventilate.

"Because you're an amazing dancer! You're going to bedo fabulous," she patted my shoulder.

I glared at her, but before I could reply, a voice interrupted, "Hey, what's going on?"

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