curious matter

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I followed the mysterious man until we got back inside the clinic, hospital, whatever the building was supposed to be. I thought that he would lead me to my room, but he didn't.

Instead, he brought me to the building's kitchen, made me sit down at the table and gave me something warm to drink.

"Thank you." I said with a shy and nervous voice and stole a glance of him to get another look at his face.

In the light, I am certain that he is the man that I constantly see in my dreams. There's no way anyone else could have such a face like his!

He turned around and leaned at the kitchen counter top and caught me looking at him instantly making me look away.

To avoid the awkwardness, I held the warm cup and drank it, but I quickly regretted it because the liquid was hot and my tongue was instantly burned.

Stupid, stupid me.

"Are you okay?" he asked, his voice surprisingly filled with concern and worry.

The kindness and care in his voice towards me surprised and I didn't know how to respond to it or how to feel about it.

Instead, I quickly nodded to assure him that I was fine. 

I thought he would question me, ask me where I'm from or what happened to me, but he didn't say anything. He was simply... looking at me, but not looking at me. It looked more like he was looking through me. He was lost in his own thoughts. 

When he didn't say anything else after, I summed up the courage to talk to him first.

"Uhm... I understand that you're the one who brought me here, but I'm sorry I don't think I have the money to pay you back right now," my voice was weakening as he was staring at me and I felt like he was getting angry because I didn't have any money to pay him back, "B-but don't worry! I will definitely work hard and pay you back!" I say quickly and nervously.

My heart was beating hard because I was both nervous and scared, but mostly because this man was in front of me. Something about him had me on edges, but strangely not in a bad way, considering I was always wary from other people.

I observed him as he was also just looking at me, but I could see the wheels turning in his head. He was probably thinking how many years it'll take me to pay the bill and I'm sure it wasn't cheap. Observing him back, I couldn't help but notice how distinct he was. 

He was probably the centre of attention wherever he went, people probably stared at him and whispered about him for all the right reasons. He was probably and mostly not like me.

Although he was leaning against the counter, he still stood tall. He had a beautiful hair, he had fiery wavy red hair colour, a colour that was unusual but it seemed like it was made for him. His eyes were a stormy grey, on sight, they look calm and emotionless, but I could guess that he probably had a lot going on no matter how little he lets them show.

He was wearing dark jeans along with a black shirt and a black leather jacket and had his hand under his chin and I am suddenly reminded at the smile he had in my dreams.

The only difference between the him that I had in my visions and the him that I see now was that in my visions, he always had a smile and was always laughing.

When I realized that I had been staring at him for too long, I blushed in embarrassment and looked down at the cup again.

"You're really human?" he asked out of the blue. I looked back at him and couldn't help but cock my head at one side and looked at him weirdly.


Am I supposed to be anything else?

Is he joking?

I really thought he was joking but he asked the question with such a straight and serious face that I couldn't laugh.

"Uhm... yes?" I answered, unsure of myself now. Am I unknowingly a vampire?

Finally, he seemed to realize that he asked a weird question because he stood up straight and put his hands in his pocket.

"I'm sorry, that must've been a weird question. Don't mind that. Now hurry and finish that up so you can get more rest, you still look pale."

I appreciated his concern but as more moments passed, I had more questions. Who is he? Why do I see him in my dreams? Where are we? Why is he being so kind to me?

Once again, everything was silent. I saw on the wall clock that it was well past midnight and the sound of the clock ticking was the only thing that could be heard right now.

"It's okay. I'm done with this." was all I said and pushed back the cup indicating that I already finished it. He took it off the table and put it on the sink.

"I'll walk you to your room." he said and started to head for the door. Still baffled with everything that's going on, I stood up quickly and started following him.

The nameless man was walking at such a fast pace that I had to speed up to catch up to him. After a few turns and a few hallways, I was back in my room and he motioned me to go back on my bed.

Okay, things are definitely weird now.

Why isn't he saying anything?

"Uhm can I ask where I am and who are you?" I was still uneasy and nervous. What do you expect? No matter how handsome this guy was, he is still suspicious. How do I know that he's not going to steal my livers as I sleep?

I've heard that that happened a lot in the news lately. Instinctively, I held my stomach. I hope all of my organs are still intact.

I didn't expect him to smile and chuckle lightly.

"How rude of me, I must be out of my mind," he started and walked towards me. I wanted to move away from him, but I couldn't. I was already seated on my bed and he was already in front of me.

He extended his hand as if he wanted me to shake it. "The name's Cassian, nice to meet you."


I looked at his hand and was hesitant to shake it for a bit, but ultimately gave in.

"Stella." I said shyly.

As soon as I touched his hand, I was surprised at the electrocuting shock that surged through me that I instantly took my hand back.

It was so strong and I don't know how a thunderbolt feels like, but I'm pretty sure that it's pretty close to what I just felt.

However, it didn't hurt. Rather, the sparks that started in my hands travelled everywhere and I felt even more awake now and more calm. It felt like I drank a dozen of energy drinks and I could do so much right now.

For some reason, I could hear better and see better. Cassian's scent was even more emphasized and it was even more relishing and I loved how strong it was as he was near me.

I looked at Cassian and saw that he was also shocked, but it didn't seem like a strange event for him.

"Well, won't you look at that. You really are my mate."

I froze when I heard the word.

For some reason, I knew that my life would not be the same anymore. I couldn't explain it, I just knew it.

"Mate?" I asked.

He nodded. "Well, Stella. It looks like there's a lot of things that you do not know and I'm sure explaining them will shock you. I don't want to stress you too much so get some sleep first." he said.

I was even more stunned when he bended and planted a kiss on my forehead. Once again, the sparks erupted and bolted me up.

I didn't even realize that I unconsciously held my breath as he did it. My heart was in a race and I had a hard time trying to slow it down.

"Good night, Stella."

✦ ✦ ✦✦

Reviewed: January 7th, 2022.
Please note that grammatical errors may still appear.

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