Chapter 52

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While both wrapped in towels, Daria cuddled up to Jonathan and repeated her thoughts from earlier aloud about what happens when the toxin dissipates.

"All experiments come to an end, as you know and remember from your studies," He said calmly, "that's when the charting, note reading and conclusion comes in."
 "This grand-scale project has less practicality for cognitive psychology, this is purely a behaviourist and sociological experiment and while I'm at it with such words; anthropological. If people didn't know the Scarecrow before, the know him now."

This answer reassured her. She was scared of the end... like, the real end. When one of them was taken from each other or the world changed too much for her to handle. So much had been lost, changed and gained in the past year alone. Sometimes Daria felt like she couldn't keep up with the pace of life. Other times she projected a new personality that suited the change more and felt her growing as a person more so than ever in her life.
Maybe it was just because she was new to the Gotham Rogues that she had such a negativist way of thinking. Perhaps it was due to the gargantuan scale of the disruption in Gotham. 

Jonathan put his arms around Daria and pulled her up closer to him. Bringing her mind back into the room. In the shower they'd also gone from sharing the water and washing pragmatically to embracing each other and gently swaying as if music was playing whilst being further enwrapped in the warmth of the shower water.

Daria felt a sense of healing in both herself and in the progression of her and Jonathan's chaotic relationship. She wondered if he felt the same or thought the same, or whether his mind was preoccupied with other things. It was the one thing that stopped the negative thoughts of the future from festering her entire being.

After they cuddled for a bit longer, Daria wiggled free, "Now, let's see what this wardrobe has to offer."

The answer was boring office outfits. Daria figured she'd make-do and play a new form of dress up. She opted for dress pants as pencil skirts would not assist with mobility despite being a lovely figure accentuator.

"If you're worried in regards to fashion, I'm sure Harley would love to take you out for anything you want." Jonathan suggested.

Not a bad idea. Daria figured it would be good to see what Ivy and Harley were up to again. The main issue of late was contact. The city was hardly functional and most rogues that owned phones had misplaced them or left them at home as Daria and Jonathan had.
She could at least check back to where they had all last been together.

"What will you do?" She looked back to Jonathan.
"I will attend to a certain group of people I've been especially interested in seeing react to the toxin, then I will find Eddy. Jonathan began to put his Scarecrow clothing back on. It was a whole process. Daria watched, fascinated by the way the work came together. Jonathan had learnt tailoring when younger and kept it as a private skill and interest. She hoped he would teach her some of it one day. 

She was looking forward to the next skill or memory that Jonathan would reveal.  

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