Chapter Twenty

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"The first stash of weekly feedback draft is here for review, your Majesty."

"Leave it." I waved the messenger boy away while rushing my pen through the paper, signing away piles of petitions and orders.

I briskly tucked a piece of stray curl behind my back while fast-reading the paper in hand, twirling the pen between my fingers. Ready to sign or reject.

A loud knock resonated through the study door.

Must have been Nordan. I had asked him to bring the survey report of some farmlands. Season change affected crop growth in those areas. I had to check on their status and take fitting actions.

"Come in," I said, scribbling on the last paper of the pile.

I dropped the pen and dragged closer the next unfinished pile. I was about to grab the first paper when my eyes landed on the approaching figure.

His long, purposeful strides and burning fire in those green eyes made a smirk threatening to break out.

Hmm... Someone looked furious.

I suppressed the smirk with a quick blank look before going back to the paper. While picking up the pen, he slammed the torn brown envelope on the table.

I raised my brows at this audacity before looking up to see his steel cold eyes.

"Is this how you greet your Queen, Valendard?" I spoke in a calm tone.

"What. Is. This?" He all but growled at me. His chest was heaving up and down with suppressed fury.

I dropped the pen and sat up straight.

"I see, are you illiterate now?"

Green veins protruded on his neck and forehead. His eyes blazed anew. But his lips remained sealed... For now.

He slowly leaned over the table. His hands spread on both sides of my current pile of papers.

I raised my brows and crossed my arms.

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