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"Kimbers, I'm here. Please come back." Joe begged.

I awoke grabbing his hand and then he leaned down and kissed me.

"Get some rest. I'm not leaving. I love you baby. I'm here always." He assured me.

"I know this is hard Bren. She's happy though and safe now. I know you love her and your hurting. It's better to see her happy." Harlow advised.

"Alright, while she is resting. We all need to be understanding. It's been touch and go with Kimbers. We are lucky she didn't take any more blows to the head. Bren and Joe don't kill each other or upset her too much. Noah be around in case they fight. For goodness sake, please stop giving this poor woman more stress with memories. Too many too quick is not good. In her mind it's fuzzy and blurry and brain goes into overload trying to put the puzzle together. She didn't ask for this. Wrong place. Wrong time. I'm proud of the fact that she has been positive and has been trying to turn her life around. " Dr. Godran informed us.

I came out of the bedroom where everyone was. My head hurt a little less. I wanted to talk to everyone.

"I'm glad everyone is here. My head is hurting a little less. My memories been jumbled and I'm trying to process it all. I appreciate everything everyone has done. My home is in Friendship. I'm not leaving and running anymore. I can't do that anymore. Whatever battles happens I will face it and I know I have a great team behind me. Please tell me Midnight is being cared for by Lisa. I miss her. I would like to speak to my aunt, Joe, and Bren in private." I stated.

I motioned for my aunt to follow me. Once we got outside, we sat on the patio. It was beautiful wherever I was. The sun felt great.

"Aunt Harlow. From pictures and memories I know you and I were close. I want us to work on getting that bond back." I assured her.

"I'm sorry how I came off when I came. I was just in shock. You loved Bren so much. Y'all tried to fight it, but it was so obvious. I'm proud of you. For being positive and just getting on with life. Friendship seems like a great town. Joe really loves you. I want all details, no holding back. Lisa is caring for MidnightInsisted Aunt Harlow.

"When I woke up, it was so hard. I couldn't believe no family or friends reached out. I had doubts at first. However the townspeople excepted me the way I was. Lisa and Wade found me. They were there checking on me throughout my coma. Lisa put me up in her guest apartment and refused any rent. Wade is a total nerd, but very friendly and has helped fix so many things.  Now Joe. The town has a dance every season. I met him at the dance. He saved me when my shoe broke, which triggered the memory of being hit in the head. Bc we had little answers, so many watched out for me. Joe was there through it all. I found Midnight same night I met Joe." I ranted on.

After speaking with my Aunt Harlow. I was now ready to speak to Bren. He looked at me not knowing what to expect.
"Bren. From the bits of memories that came back and pictures of us I know we had something great.  To be honest everything happens for a reason. Your a great guy. I want something that's not you. We didn't get the best closure. I'd like us to be friends. Friendship a great town. Noah could use some help, maybe talk to him. " I discussed.

Took Bren a few minutes for him to process things and then he gave me the biggest hug.

" Your right, we didn't get the closure we needed. Your not the woman I fell in love with. You do want something I can't give. I will talk to Noah and weigh my options. Definitely be friends & I'm always here. If you don't mind I'd like to talk to Joe." He agreed.

I agreed to let him talk to Joe. After both of them talked, Joe waved me to follow him.

" What was that about? I inquired.

"Bren will always love you. He realizes that your not the same woman he fell for. He wanted me to make sure, that I treat you right. Also that I'm a lucky guy and he may consider Friendship to move to & start over. I did mention lot of single gals." He told me.

Then Joe grabbed me off my feet and pushed me down slowly onto the bed and kissed me in a teasing loving way that told me he loved me so much.  That night we kissed and made up for lost time.

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